I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Even If Savin' You Sends Me To Heaven

I was drifted from my toughts being smacked on the head by non other than brian
“Hey Zack?!”

“What the fuck man?” I asked rubbing my head

“hey, you okay?” Matt asked in a worried tone, "the song ended like 2 hours ago”

“sorry, I guess I wasn’t playing attention” I said blushing.

"yeah! We’ve already noticed that, " Jimmy said in a playful tone.

"you shut the fuck up," those were thas last 5 words I manage to say before running upstairs, I can’t stand it no more.

Monike’s POV

Zacky shut the door & left the room, something was wrong with him, I need to go & make sure he’s okay.

Jimmy asked raising his hands, with a confused look on his pretty face "what the hell? What did I say!?"

"dunnow, Zacky has been acting this way recently," Johnny said putting his bass away.

"I think we should go & talk to him," Brian suggested getting himself another beer.

"I’ll go talk to him, I’m sure he will tell me," I said running upstairs to zack’s room.

Zacky’s POV

I was laying on my bed, when someone knocked on my door, I didn’t care who it was, I just wanted be alone ….

"Go away" I muttered

"hey Zack it’s me, can I come in?" Monike asked from the other side of the door.

"yeah, whatever."

I was lying in my bed, with my pillow covering my head, she sat on the edge of the bed and started rubbing my back, "hey Zacky are you okay?" she asked concerned.

"yeah I’m fine"

"c’mon Zack I know something's wrong, what is it?"

She was still rubbing my back " I’ve told you! Nothing’s wrong"

"If you say so, but you know I’m here for anything you need Zacky, I'll always be," she give me a soft kiss on the cheek & left.

Instantly I started feeling butterflies down my spine & my stomach, man what’s this? I’ve never felt this way before, not with her.

Wait I’ve felt this way before, it was the first time I saw her ...


We were in kindergarten I was playing baseball with some kids, I was at the bat, but a little incident occurred, I broke the window, all the guys started to run, then Mrs. Mallowne came, sure thing I was in problems.

"Zachary Jonathan Baker! You’ll have to come with me now"

"but ... but …"

"but? But what zack? I’ll have to call your parents"

"Noo! Pease on’t call daddy! "

"h-he d-didn’t do i-it" … I heard a little & soft voice came behind me, I turned around to find the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, with a really little queen shirt, jeans & some little chuck's, her brown eyes shinning with the sun, and her light brown hair at the lenght of her tiny shoulders.

"And then if Zachary didn’t do it… who did?" Mrs. Mallowne asked with an angry tone

"I-I … I d-did"

" well, since I don’t know who did it, you 2 have to come with me, I’ll have to call your parents"

We were waking behind Mrs. Mallowne to her office, then she let us in…

"i'll be back in a moment" she said closing the door as her footsteps were no longer heard.

"h-hey thanks, y-you idn’t have to do that"

"I g-guess i idn’t have to but I feel like it"

"thanks I’m soddy I got you in touble"

"n-no poblem"

"what’s you name?"

"M-Moniike & yous?"

" Zacky"

End of the Flashback

That’s it, it was the first time I felt that way, since then Monike & I have been bestfriends through thick & thin … no matter what happen we were always together, but could this be happening? Could i be in love with my bestfriend?
♠ ♠ ♠
a bit long :D
I was inspired ... since it's 3 in the morning & got nothing to do ...
Title Credit: Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus