I'll Be With You Here Until The End

The Best Thing That Could Be Happening

3 HOURS LATER- 8 PM- Johnny’s POV

I finished cleaning up a bit the mess we’ve created downstairs, and then I decided it was time to go, maybe I should go and see if my sis is ready.

I ran upstairs directly to her room and knock on the door “hey sis may I come in?”

There was no answer, so I knocked again “Monike, you okay?” and again no answer, I was starting to worry, she always answers, so I gave up and came in, just to find my sister like if she was dead, laying on her bed “what the hell? Why are you still in bed?”

“don’t know, I felt asleep as soon as the guys left & now I’m feeling like shit”

“god dammit! You’re burning monike! want me to call a doctor?”

“Noo! A d-doctor no! I’m ok I just need an aspirin”

“ but monike! You look terrible, that’s all I’m calling a doctor”

“no bro, please? I’m ok, I just need to sleep”

“ok, but there’s no way you’re leaving this house, and I’m staying with u”

“noo! I wanna go to the party J bro!”

“look at you! You can’t even stay up by yourself”

“of course I can,” she said complaining and trying to stand up from her bed, and she would have fell, If I hadn’t been there to catch her.

“see! You’re not going and that’s all”

“ ahhh …Johnny! Please?” she said pleading

“no! and don’t even put those eyes of yours”

“bro!! please? please?” she said putting her eyes in that way wich made it too difficult to resist.

“I’ve told you you’re not going! and I’m staying with u tonight”

“okay, okay, you win I’m not going, but no way you’re staying, you hear me?”

“ yes I’m staying ma’am, and there’s nothing you can do”

Suddenly we heard the front door open, knowing It was the guys,
“what the fuck?” Matt said with a shocked face, "sweetie are you okay?”

“baby! What happened!? You look terrible” Jimmy said getting on the edge of the bed and kissing monike softly on the cheek.

“sorry guys, sorry jimmbo, I just don’t know what happened, I felt asleep and when I woke up, I started feeling like shit” she mumbled.

“oh hon I’m sorry, want us to stay with u tonight?” syn asked with a worried voice

“no guys, you’re going to that party tonight” she said trying to sit in her bed, “Specially you & matt, your girls are gonna be there.”

“they are not our girls yet, you are our girl now, so we’re staying!” Brian said

“that’s right!” Matt agreed

“no” she said coughing, “come on guys! I can’t go! So go, drink & party for me!”

“but baby,” jimmy said complaining “how am I supposed to party if my little girl is sick at home? I’m staying with u”

“no, revie boy please go… for me?” she said again putting those eyes, we all know jimmy can not resist.

“but babe?”



“ guys come on!”

“okay, we’ll go, If someone stays with u” syn said, sitting on the bed

“I’m staying with my little riot” Jimmy said grabbing Monike’s hand and linking their fingers together.

You see, Jimmy was the one to came with “little riot” since monike is such a disaster, wherever she goes she ends with a bruise, a scar or something, although she can’t stay calmed for a damn moment! I guess that’s why jimmy & Monike are together, both are unstoppable.

“no way my Jimmy boy is staying … Is zack going?

“ no, he’s not, I’ve already asked him” I answered.

“see, zack’s staying with me, now go, it’s getting too fuckin’ late”

“I wanna stay with you, please” Jimmy pleaded.

“no jimmbo, Zack’s staying” she smiled weakly.

“ok,seems like your not staying jimmy, we’ll see you later honey” Matt said kissing Monike on her forehead.

“Bye babe!” brian said hugging monike and kissing her on the cheek

“bye sis, take care, if anything happens call me and I’ll be right back, got it?”

“Gottcha bro”

“bye baby, I love you, but if you get worse, when you’re okay, you’ll meet my evil side” jimmy said and Monike giggled a bit.

“okay, jimmy”

“I love you baby” Jimmy said caresing her cheek softly.

“emm guys” Matt said, didn’t work, “Guys” Matt shouted, didn’t worked … again

“ jimmy!” I said pulling jimmy by his shirt.

“yeah yeah right” Jimmy said, pushing me playfully, “Bye love”

“ bye guys!” “love you jimmy!”

Zacky’s POV

I was laying on my bed, listening to metallica when someone knocked on my door, “hey zack” Johnny said through the door.


“let me in man” Johnny answered

“hold on,” I pulled myself off the bed and opened the door, not even looking at Johnny, I went to lay again on my bed.

Johnny sat on the edge of the bed, “hey buddy, sure you ain’t coming?”

“sure, don’t feel like partying tonight”

“sorry you’re not coming man, we’ll miss you, but now that you’re staying, can I ask you something?”

“yeah what is it?”

“look, moniike’s sick so” ….

“Moniike’s sick?? Why? What happened?” I asked cutting Johnny out.

“we don’t know what happened, I went to her room to see if she was ready & she was burning in fever so she’s staying, would you take care of her? Just till I get here” Johnny asked worry filling his eyes.

“you know that’s not a problem man, she’s my bestfriend I would take care of her till death”

“thanks man” Johnny said a bit more relaxed now that I was staying, “if she gets worse just call me or the guys & we’ll be right back ok?”

“sure buddy, have fun”

“you too, bye”


When the guys left I went to monike’s room just to see if she was okay, I came in and she was laying on her bed, covered with sheets, she looks so beautiful , so peaceful ….

“ noo, I didn’t do it” I heard monike mumble

“Moniike?” I asked as I went and sit on the edge of the bed to make sure she was okay, cuz she was talking nonsense, “ Babe, you okay?”

“no please,I swear! I didn’t do it” she mumbled again.

“shh babe, I’m here it’s alright”

“humm?” Monike muttered

I started rubbing Monike’s hair when I realized she was fuckin’ burning in fever, I got up from the bed, to search for something wet.

“J-jimmy?” she asked with a very low voice

Should I tell her I’m not jimmy?? Wtf!? What do I do now?!! “yeah baby girl what’s the matter?”

“I don’t want you to go”

“I’m not leaving sweetie, I’m just bringing you something cold”

“I don’t want to, please stay”

“but your burning up!” I complained

“Jimmy, please?”

“okay I’ll stay here till you sleep”

“would you lay with me Jimmy?” she asked

“sure my love”

“I love you jimmbo” she muttered

“I love you too baby girl”

I laid with Monike on the edge of the bed, damn she looked so beautiful, I just wanted stay with her like this forever (well of course, I don’t want her to be sick), I was drifted out of my thoughts, by her sweet, soft voice, cracking while she was shaking.

“J-jimmY-y i-I’m C-cold” she said shaking badly.

“Want me to hold you?” I asked, not sure if I should or not.


“it’s that better babe?”

“I’m still c-cold”

Dammit she was shaking non-stop, “Look take this”, I took off my Metallica hoodie and put it on her.

“thanks my revie boy” she said no longer shaking

“shh little riot, I’m here don’t worry” I was holding Monike, so close, she was curling up in my arms.

God dammit! here it goes again! these stupid feeling, I can’t be in love with my bestfriend not with her, she’s in love with Jimmy! Who’s one of my best buds! Fuck! She doesn’t even know I’m Zacky! That’s why she’s like this! Only cuz she’s sick! Dammit! I’m in love with my bestfriend and she can’t even recognize me, I’ll never get a chance with her, I think I should tell her I’m not Jimmy, although in this moment I wish I was.

“Moniike”I made a long pause… “sweetie?”


“ I’ve got to tell ya something”

“aha” she answered randomly.

“I-i’m N-not J-Jimmy” Damn my fucking voice is cracking

“I’m tired jimmy … wanna sleep” she said yawning, her back was now facing me.

“babe, seriously, I’m not jimmy” I said again

She wasn’t answering, she was just there, laying in my arms and I was too coward to move, although I just wanna stay like this with her in my arms not in Jimmy’s, I wanted to kiss her so bad! But … but … what will happen when she realizes I’m not jimmy? I don’t wanna lose her, I couldn’t risk myself to lose her…

… and then I did it …

I started kissing monike’s forehead, and I don’t know how! But I ended in her lips, it was a sweet, soft kiss, and she kissed me back! I’ve been waiting forever for this moment, it’s just magical!

But then, someone knocked the door, I freaked out and inmediatly let her go, she was no longer in my arms, and shit that hurts, I covered her with the blanket and sat next to the bed.

“J-Jimmy … I don’t want you to go” she mumbled

“shh babe shhh I’m here” I said, linking our fingers together.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the fifth (: