I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Like Old School, She Hates Me, Great

Jimmy’s POV

“hey babe, what did matt say?” I asked hugging my girlfriend

“he asked what were we doing tonight, so I asked him if he wanted a movie night, he agreed and he’s coming with Val, Michelle and Briian at 7:00 pm … it’s that ok for you guys?

“sounds cool to me” Johnny said sitting in the couch

“yeah whatever” Zack answered aimless

“hey guys, I’m going to shower, don’t burn the house will I’m not here” the little shit said standing up

“today I feel like burning something up” Monike said with a devilish grin on her face

“I like your ideas baby” I assured her, putting a little kiss on her neck

“don’t you dare guys! Seriously!”

“don’t worry Johnny, do you seriously think we are that bad?” I asked

“ Do I really have to answer that question?”

“you’ve hurt my feelings Johnny,” I said with a fake hurt voice, “but anyways, you don’t have to worry about me I’m going to my house to shower too, cuz I haven’t got any clothes left here”

“so you’re leaving me alone Jimmy boy? Monike asked

“just a couple hours babe, I need to shower”

“ok Jimmbo I’ll see you here at 7 right?

“sure my “LR”, I love you “ I place a soft kiss on her lips, and then on her forehead, but I realized zack was watching us, I didn’t pay too much attention to him, “bye love, bye dudes!” I said closing the door.

Johnny’s POV

“ok guys I’m going to shower” I reasured them

“sure Johnny” Zack answered

“ok bro” Monike said, still with that devilish grin on her face

“Hey “LR” you better don’t burn the house while I’m not watching you!” I warned her

“I’ll try no to” she said with the biggest smile in her face


“okay, okay! “ she said her smile fading away, I swear this girl really loves to destroy things.

“hey zack, since we know we have an Little Riot here could you watch her for me”

“S-sure m-man” Zacky said

“hey! I’m not a baby! I don’t need a Zacky-sitter!” Monike complained

“yes you’re & yes you need! Now see you guys later” I said before running upstairs to my room.

Zacky’s POV

and there we were again, just she and I, the moment I’ve been waiting, but … but I couldn’t tell her.

“hey zack, what do you wanna do?” Monike asked jumping up & down, damn she was hyper, “we have like 1 hour or something ‘till the guys come back”

“i-i don’t k-know”

“me either,” she sighed and sat on the couch next to me, “why don’t we just make it like old school? … when we were just you & I remember?”

Old school, how I miss that, when we were just Monike & I, both so irresponsible, playing music out loud, and not caring about anything or anyone, I was so happy then, but that was before, she and Jimmy turned Boyfriend and girlfriend thing, now she’s always with jimmy …

“sure, so what do you wanna do old school?” I asked with the biggest grin on my face, just because I was remebering the times we use to had together.

“I dunnow, I’m feeling like playing guitar”

“sounds okay to me”

“right, wanna go and play in the basement or here?

“basement all the way”

“right Zacky” Monike said grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs to the basement, that was the best place ever, the walls covered in posters of our favorite bands, all our sound equipment (guitars, amplifiers, johnny’s bass, rev’s drums, and matt’s mic were there) we were sitting in the couch we got there …

“so what do you wanna play zack?” Monike asked still a little hyper

“don’t know … maybe metallica” I said laughing a bit at her hyperness, she looks so cute when she’s hyper.

“then metallica should be” Monike said handing me my guitar.

“what song?”

“fade to black” Monike said simply

“right, lead or rhythm guitar?” i asked her


“okay, I’ll play lead then”

We started playing, Fade to Black she started with the main acoustic rhythm, I wasn’t playing too much attention to the song, I was just watching her, she was smiling to me, we both seem to be so happy & I’m sure we were or at least I was, how I wished this moment would never end, but I knew she would never be mine, but I just couldn’t give up … cuz she was my everything.

“Damn! I love this song!” Monike said putting her guitar down after we finished playing

"y-yeah m-me t-too"

“and hey that solo was awesome, I mean not a single mistake dude! You’ve been practicing right?” she said a little hyper again

“yeah, but you weren’t too bad yourself” I assured her

“Thanks zack, I really miss this, it’s been a long time since we don’t do it”

“yeah since …nothing, shit! Shouldn’t have said that!

“since what?” she asked confused

“n-nothing” I said trying my best, but my voice wasn’t helping

“Zacky! Please, tell me” she said pleading

“it’s nothing, I was just thinking out loud”


“yeah that’s right just thinking”

Then, what were you thinking about?”

“You! You! & how I hate to see you with jimmy! That’s what I was thinking about! “about ... about ...”


shit, shit, shit What do I tell her now? She can’t know the truth.

“see Zack, that’s why we don’t do this anymore, you’ve been acting weird”

“ahhh now it’s my fault?” I asked in an angry tone, while I was thinking to myself I’m not the one, who’s always with his little “boyfriend”

“I’m not trying to say that “

“ it sound like it!”

“right! You’re gonna take it that way, okay” she spat angrily

“it was what you meant to say!” I answered

“right! That’s what I meant to say! and you wanna hear the worst part! We were supposed to be “bestfriends” & now you don’t tell me anything! You just go & act like a psycho!”

“psycho? Psycho! Yes! We were supposed to be “bestfriends” but I don’t tell you anything anymore cuz you are always with your little boyfriend!”

“c’mon zack! Jimmy don’t have to do a thing with it”

“yes it has! Cuz you are always with him, you don’t even care if I live or die anymore!”

“how can you say that! I care about you more than you’ll ever figure out!”

“no you don’t! you’re not the same girl that used to be my bestfriend! You’re not the one who saved my life a hundred times! The one who was there for me!”

“then if I’m not the same, fuck up! Go & search someone else … cuz I’m not here for you anymore!

“you never were!”

“fuck u zack, oh & by the way take this with u!” Monike said throwing my Metallica hoodie straight to my face, and she runned upstairs, Shit! What’ve I done? … I was fine with her & now she hates me! At least she was my bestfriend! Now she’s nothing! Fuck!, but she deserved! She has to know the truth! Well at least a part of it! Cuz I can’t tell her the other part! Fuck! What do I do now!?
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yeah, so this is it, thanks for reading :D