Status: hiatus sorry :(

Endless Love

Lessons Learnt And Forgotten

He explained that when he saw me, he had an urge to turn me (whatever that meant) and to take me away never to return. At that I ran and ran but he didn’t move from that very spot when I looked back at him, he just looked at me with a pained look on his face. Nothing more. When I finally arrived home, covered in sweat and dirt I was shaking badly. I split anything I drank and knocked over and broke many things. But when I had calmed down I locked every door and window, pulled down every blind and closed every pair of curtains. He wouldn’t be able to find me if he couldn’t see me. Dad called me about an hour later. I jumped at the sound; I was so accustomed to the silence the shrill of the phone nearly killed me in panic. Dad said he had to go on a trip to another state and would be back in a week at the latest.

That week went by soo quickly, that boy never found me. It was one week till school and I didn’t want to go back as he would be there. Each night of that week leading up to school a nightmare found a way into my head and each one would be worse than the last. I had to have the first day back off because of exhaustion, I couldn’t even move because of those dreaded nightmares. One the night before I officially went back to school I fell into a deep dreamless sleep, woke up feeling refreshed. It’s as if something/one wanted me back at I arrived back at school, something felt strange but I quickly ignored the feeling. If I let myself fall apart today “he” would know I was scared and that I may as well break down on the spot I was that scared.

When I was walking to the main reception my mind was on other things not “Spring Nicht” that was blaring out my IPod speakers. My mind was on him and the rest of my friends. Would he go for them if he couldn’t get me...would he use them to get to me...? When I arrived in the reception I pulled the speakers out of my ears and went up to the admin, while she gave me my schedule I was just drifting into space not thinking much special. When I looked at my schedule I was happy to see a couple of free periods that I could use to bunk off and just hang with friends in Hot Topic trying on smutty clothes among other things. I arrived at my registration room I was reviled not to see him in there and a small sigh escaped out of my lips. My friends rushed to me, wondering why I had been off...normally if I was off it was usually because I couldn’t be arsed with it and bunked off with them.

When the bell rang at looked at y first lesson, maths Yippee. The “best” ever lesson(note the sarcasm) as I slowly made my way down the hallway to my classroom Haley and Nicole where having an animated discussion about the hottest new bad boy in some program they watched yesterday, while Amber drifted closely to me whispering idiotic silly things, not really caring. Drifting between this world and her own and not really noticing anything. Me and Amber had always been close, best friends. While our other friends still liked us they thought something to be going on between us so they stick stuck with us just not as much as the use to in middle school.

I and Amber walked side by side when Haley and Nicole drifted off towards science, we said bye and entered classrooms side by side. But I came out as soon as I entered the classroom. There “he” was just sitting there just daydreaming while everyone chatted away about the day before. It was so obvious he had no friends, a loner. It was freaky but sad as well. At first he said he wanted to run away with me and then I get to school and I see he has no friends. How come I had never noticed him before?

How had he hidden himself like this all the way from our school years? Or was he new? When I walked in the room for a second time he finally sensed I was there. He must have picked up my “scent”, haha. All he did was smile at me, nothing more than a smile played on his pale skin. As soon as he did it he went back to staring back his desk as it had never happened. His smile was a small but deadly one and that worried me in ways you don’t even know about. It reminded me of the look on a lions face as it stalks it prey and then finally pouncing, just like the situation I was in. It was as if this boy was stalking his prey and when he was ready to make a move he would do it with no warning at all.

When I looked around all the seats had all been taking, except for one at his desk (how very Twilighty and cliquey) he was sat near the window so when i sat down i moved as far away from him as I could, not wanting to be close to him, smell him or even look at him. When the teacher came in I tried to concentrate on what she was trying to teach us, how to find the area of pie or whatever, how boring. I knew no one else in this class from my old middle school, so all the way through the lesson I had to grin and bear it, trying to pretend nothing at all was wrong.

As soon as it was over I rushed from my seat, thoughts racing through my head. Would he make a move now? Will he ever? I rushed out and leaving him a million miles behind as I sped out to greet Amber and then whisk her away to our next lesson. That seat in the maths lesson never got filled and that was good, no one else could fall into that evil boys clutches and I could keep my distance.
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I need a little help, how do you do strikeouts in your story? A word with a line through it?
If you could tell me that would be great :D
There may be two updates today if I can be bothered to post them up!
No 1 and enjoy