I Can Wait Til Twilight, I Can Wait Forever

"Because I love him!" Bella cried, her soul torn between so many beings. Not one human.
"What do you know about love?" Cruelty was in my nature, but never had I been to Bella. She was my best friend, my love. My heart stung as she tried to hide her tears from me, but I kept strong.
"You speak of some unknown pure love between you and Edward. Where is it? Describe to me this love. I don't see it. I see an infatuated teenager with something completely out of her species. I do not see what is the specialty of your love. Make me see it!"
"You cannot describe love." Bella murmured.
"What about us? You and me? DO you realize what this will do to us. To your father? Your mother? What about Jacob? Are we all just your pieces on a checker board? You can sacrifice whichever bits so you can get ahead. Life doesn't work like that Bella."
"Why can't you let me be happy? I just..."
"Do you feel that Bella?" I pushed her hand onto my chest, my beating heart.
"Do you feel that? I do not know what I am, but my heart still beats Bella. It races and it breaks, it pumps blood giving me life. Edward's stopped a century ago. He goes against nature. You know me by heart. So where does Edward's heart lie?" I demanded. Bella couldn't look at me anymore. Her shoulders shook with muffled sobs, but she kept her hand on my beating heart.

Oh yes, not anther Twilight story =]
I can honestly say I do not like the Twilight series. I like the idea, but I think Stephanie Meyer wrote them poorly. This is my own interpretation of the series told from the wolves point of view. This series will mostly be based upon a girl named Sonnseearray. She is an older sister of Jacob... and well for more you'll just have to read won't you.
  1. Just a Life, Just Another Wasted Life
  2. Acceptance
    Bella is actually in this one
  3. Tempting Luck
  4. Saving Phase
  5. Stone Cold Child
    WARNING: The first section of this chapter contains graphic images. Skip to second part if you do not wish to read.
  6. I'm No Superman
  7. Afflicted Love
  8. The Walking Dead
    Warning: A graphic ***, not suitable for all audiences or those with a queasy stomache
  9. Dawning Twilight
  10. Flirting with Disaster
  11. Wrong Type
  12. Red Masquerade