In Sweet Good Old Guitarland

When It Rains

The air was breezy, for that fall afternoon. The wheat, fall into pattern with just that simple breeze. How much could that wind make a difference? A weak light came from that sunshine, though the weather was perfect for any afternoon.

She smiled as she looked at the horizon. Her eyes couldn't see the end of the magnificent wheat field, length-wise to her knees. The wheat brushing against her hand, as she surveyed her surroundings. A bell of laughter came ringing, somewhere far, yet it felt close. She wiped her hair out of her face and appears to the distant.

A hazel-eyed boy stared back. He had black hair; freckles covered his nose, and he had the most joyous smile you have ever seen. She stumbled a bit from a small boulder, and the boy laughed. He started to run. She followed him, her mind feel with some familiarity of his features. The black hair matched her own lovely locks, but she didn't have hazel eyes.

The boy stopped suddenly, as he turned around to face her. He smiled at her face, flushed with trickles of sweat scattered across her forehead. She smiled back, letting him come near her. His giggles rising in silver bells, as he went up to her. She fell down to her knees, and they embraced. A silent tear coming on her face.

The tears were real, as Aly wipes them away from her face. The window was open letting in the cool night breeze into her bedroom. She cuddled more into her blanket. Her head was pounding from the headache that didn't disappear. She hated getting sick, especially when it was the summer. She sniffled a bit, as she looked at the time. It was almost 2 am, and her face was reddening with the heat. She touched her arm, and it was cold as ice.

Aly turned over, her arms coming across her waist. She didn't know what this emptiness was inside her. It felt like she lost something, something really precious to her. Something that made her toss and turn, at night and only made that broken heart miss a beat or two. She rolled into a ball, holding tight, not wanting to feel that empty space. "It's only a dream." She whispered to herself, repeating it, until she fell back asleep.
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so? what do you guys/girls think? message/comment me about what you think!