Music Beats Love or Does It?

Sequel Preview

Girl voice: When you finally got the girl you always wanted.

Boy voice : And your love is unbreakable.

The sky was twinkling with stars and Bella and Nick laid on the blanket watching the dark night sky after a candle lit dinner.

Bella was snuggled in Nick's arms and looked up at the sky. "We've made it this far." she said in a soft whisper.

Nick glanced down at her and smile."Yes. Three years. I love you Bella."

Bella smiled and leaned to kiss him their lips barely touching. "I love you too"

They started in a deep kiss.

Girl: When there is family secrets.... that you don't know.

A woman looked at her son and said really quiet yet in a fast pace and snappy tone. "The Grants have a hidden fortune, none of them know except their father who is dead. You are the only hope to have their fortune joined with ours! We'll be the wealthiest family ever known in this world!"

The son looked at her mother and smirked. "Don't worry we will get to the fortune."

Boy: Memories you don't wish to remember

Nick chased Bella in the busy L.A. streets. "You couldn't have forgotten about it! I was with you when that happened!

Bella snaps her head around and ran her fingers through her hair. " Stop following me right now please! I need to be alone and i have no clue what you keep saying. That never happened OK? It might be just a dream. Go home and think about it." She leaves and enters the building.

Nick stops dead in his tracks and says out but she couldn't hear "It wasn't a dream. Don't forget." he sighed and turned his other way home.

Girl : A marriage, oh so grand and so perfect. All ruined by one word.

The priest looked down at his books then at the perfect groom. "Do you take Isabella Kristen Grant as your beloved wife to love until death?"

"I do" he whispered.

Bella shuffled underneath her dress and smiled at her future husband.

The priest faced Bella this time. "Do you take..."

Noise was heard everywhere and everyone stopped to pay attention to the thumping noises until it stopped but the priest kept saying the words.

"... as your beloved husband to love and cherish till death?" he finished.

Bella looked back at the priest and her beloved fiance "Yes, I-"

The doors burst open and a man screamed, "Stop! I disagree with this marriage!"

Gasps and murmurs escaped through out the church.

Bella grew in rage and shouted to the man. "You can't stop me! I love him with all my heart!"

Her eyes closed in flushed angers and everything was thrown at her from horrid memories to the perfect ones this was her decision and it was ruined.

"Do you take him as your beloved husband?" asked the priest began.

Bella looked at the man all dirty and glaring at her and the beloved man she loved who was giving her the look to calm down and make the decision wisely.

Bella closed her eyes and started. "I-"

Girl and boy voice together: love can not be broken. Love is until eternity.

Rated PG-13 if you are under 13 please goes to another story. This story contains heart breaking love stories and flashbacks. Slight violence and gory scenes included.

Coming to Mibba on February 14, 2009

LInk to the sequel-My Heart Won't Forget The Love
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This is the sneak preview. THe actual story and chapter will be posted on Valentine's Day.

comment and subscribe to both this story and the sequel, well mostly the sequel since I'll update that soon.


