Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



I sat on the bridge in the middle of the “hiking paths” around our school. They’re basically where we catch bears or something for food (most of us prefer human blood but some people like bear blood; it might have to do with those vamps that used to hunt deer when they were human). No one really knows about this spot though, besides me and Benji.

Benji was giving me the play by play of what was going on in class and my blood (err well I don’t know what to call it) boil. It wasn’t just Benji who told Aaron to ‘knock it the fuck off’ my anger sort of consumed him too. I kind of felt bad for getting him in trouble.

“I can’t let her out of my sight with Aaron around,” Benji said (since Mr. Black kicked him out) to me while we were waiting for class to finish. Benji was still keeping close watch on Jay and Aaron to make sure he didn’t kill her in class.

“We can’t let her out of our sights with Aaron around,” I corrected and he frowned.

“Kase, you’re emotions are going to consume you. Who knows if you’ll kill Jay out of jealousy?”

I growled at him. I wouldn’t kill anyone. I’m not that cruel. I wouldn’t even ever turn anyone into a vampire.

“Don’t sell me so short, just because you’ve been a vampire for longer than me doesn’t mean that you’re better qualified to- okay yes it does but that’s not the point!”

Benji sighed, exasperated. “Just be careful, alright?”

I nodded, “I’ll take care of your girlfriend, Benny-boy.”

“I’ll just ignore that statement.”

“You would.”

Benji rolled his eyes and left to pick up Jay from class.

“…Kasey?” a familiar voice (well that and his damned smell) called; Brett, of course.

I frowned trying to swallow the enzymes that were about to leak from my teeth. I always wanted to know. Aw hell, I guess now’s as good of a time to find out as ever.

I felt a bit warm and happy. Oh, I remembered this feeling. I remembered it a bit too damn well.

“Um, hi Brett.”

“Are you alright?” he asked seeming genuinely concerned.

“I’m fine,” I said, trying to resist the urge to kiss him.

Aw the hell with it. I got up and did exactly that.

I don’t think I would have stopped for a long time if Aaron hadn’t been laughing in the background.
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Now we can get this story moving! Which is good since I was a bit scared since I forgot the plot for a second. But it's back! Enjoy!