Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



"Come on, we're going to see Kasey." Ben told me, taking my hand. I forced my heart not to skip a beat, he would have noticed that. I let him lead me to this path thing and down it.

Now, I know what your thinking. A vampire leading you by hand from a vampire school down a dark path to meet another vampire. I should be afraid, right? Well, I wasn't. I actually felt... Comfortable. Weird, right?

It wasn't long before I could hear laughing. I raised an eyebrow at Benji, who was frozen in place.

"Stay here." He said, before letting go of my hand and walking further down the path. Okay, I may be crazy, but I'm not crazy enough to wait like a sitting duck for some other vampire, once whose name is Aaron, perhaps, to come find me and turn me into dinner. So I followed him.

They were at a little clearing. And they means: Kasey, Benji, Brett and Aaron.

"Brett!" I exclaimed, running over to him and jumping on his back. He was practically my best friend, and I hadn't actually talked to him, and I mean really talked to him, since before we came here, because my dad wanted silence from us in the car. Today hardly counts, since he only asked me a question.

"Hey, Jay..." Brett said absently, grabbing onto my legs so I wouldn't fall off of his back, his eyes on Aaron. "I really don't like him." He said quietly.

"Then why are you friends with him?" I replied.

"I'm not... He's just my roommate is all." He told me. My blood froze in my veins. What if that phsyco killed my brother?

"I don't want to kill your brother." Aaron said, breaking away from a quiet conversation that he was having with Kasey and Benji. "He doesn't smell as good." He said, as if it were painfully obvious.

"Wait... What's going on?" He asked. I explained quietly. He deserved to know, after all.

"Aaron, no!" Benji yelled suddenly. Before I knew what was going on, something hit Brett and myself, and we flew backwards into a tree. Brett slammed into me, not on purpose, of course and the breath left me lungs in a sigh. Brett fell to the ground and I fell on top of him, only to be grabbed and jerked roughly to my feet.

I turned my head and was face to face with Aaron, his fangs out and his eyes glowing. I gulped loudly. Now I was afraid.

"Aaron, let go of her. Now." Benji growled. Brett scrambled to his feet, and Aaron pushed him into Kasey.

"Why would I do that?" He snapped.

"So I don't kill you." Benji replied. Aarons grip tightened on my arm.

"Ow!" I complained. "Hello, I bruise easily!" I said. Did I forget to mention that when I get scared, I cover it up by being either sarcastic or acting annoyed?

"Shut up Jaysmin." Benji, Kasey, Brett and Aaron choursed.

"Jesus.... A girl can't even speak..." I muttered. Benji kept flashing his eyes between Aaron and myself, waiting for a chance to move.

"No, she can't." Aaron agreed, grabbing my other arm and pulling it up over my head.

"Because this is comfortable..." I said quietly. He tightened his grip more. "Ow ow ow ow ow...." I muttered. I felt something press against my wrist. I tilted my head to look up, and wish I hadn't. One of Aarons fingernails was digging into the skin of my arm. No wonder why it hurt so bad....

He pulled his nail away, but kept his grip on my arm. I could see both Kasey and Benis fangs slid out, although neither of them looked like they wanted to taste the crimson liquid coming out of my arm.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as Aaron raised my wrist to his mouth. His tounge flicked out at the blood, and I tried to pull away from him, but his grip meerly tightened to the point where my hands were turning blue from lack of circulation. A loud growl emited, and suddenly I was on the ground, and Benji had Aaron pinned to a tree.

This was going to be a long year.
♠ ♠ ♠
I posted again! I'm on a roll =] I should probably update my other stories.... But whatever =]

Hope you enjoy =]