Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



My head was spinning. I was ridiculously confused. I was getting pushed and pulled all over the place today.

I scrambled to my feet and dusted the dirt and grass off of my clothes.

"Benji-" I started, my hand closing over my wrist so the pressure could stop the bleeding.

"Jaysmin, go with Kasey and your brother back the the school." He snapped. I took one calming breath so that I wouldn't snap back. Besides, it wasn't me he was mad at.... I think. It made sense for him to be mad at Aaron. If he had killed me or something, he could ruined everything for the vampires at the school. They would have to enform my family that I died, and he would surely bring the police into it. Healthy teenage girls don't just randomly drop dead without any blood in their veins. But it didn't make sense for him to be mad at me. I didn't do anything. I was just an insignificant girl that walked into his life by becoming his best friends roommate.

"Benji, he isn't worth it." I finished, ignoring his request. He glanced back at me- he seemed hurt or something. I don't know. This just wasn't making any sense to me.

"Jay-" He began. I shook my head.

"Let him go... Let's just get back up to the school before you do something you regret, or Aaron does, although I doubt he would care." I said, getting the bleeding to stop and wiping the blood off of my hand onto my pants.


"Listen to her, Ben." Kasey agreed. He sighed.

"Fine.... But this isn't over." He spat at Aaron, letting him go and backing up to stand beside me. "Lets go then." He nearly growled, not taking his eyes off of Aaron as we left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I am so incredibly sorry that this is ridiculously short. I just don't feel so good today, and I'm just having a God-awful day, and I guess it's taking a toll on my brain because I can't think of anything to write.

Sorry! My next chater will be better, I promise.