Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



It was an awkward walk back to school. Benji was avoiding Jaysmin and I was trying to avoid Brett. What the hell was going through my head when I kissed him?!

Well, okay Jaysmin was tackling Brett and talking to him so it wasn’t completely quiet. I just exchanged a look with Ben. He looked so sad…

“What’s wrong?” I asked in what I will now refer to as the tone (a.k.a. the tone that humans can’t hear) since he is my best friend and all. Well, besides Jay.

“She thinks that she means nothing to me… She thinks that the reason I hate Aaron is because killing her would ruin our school’s rep…” he said, looking down (also using the tone, since I mean having the humans hear would be rather bad).

I frowned, unsure of what to say. I mean, I’d probably be sad to if I could read Brett’s thoughts. With my luck he probably has a human girlfriend back home and thinks I’m a freak. But, maybe it’s better if humans and vampires don’t get involved with each other like that. Considering what happened to me last time that happened, or am I being biased?

“Scatter-brain,” Benji muttered affectionately. That’s his nickname for me since when I think it leads to a lot of different things.


I was a human again. I could tell because my senses were extremely dulled. I couldn’t smell any blood; I couldn’t feel any pulses; I didn’t have my hawk eyes anymore; and I couldn’t hear stuff that most humans couldn’t. It felt…nice; as if a load of stress was washed away, like I was a kid again.

I was sitting on my front porch sketching in my notebook that I had lost when I turned into a vampire. They didn’t like us having ties to our human selves so we were always sent to the school with nothing but the clothes on our backs. I had dark secrets back then since my parents didn’t know that their perfect little daughter was paling around with an older vampire.

“Hey Kasey,” a familiar voice said. I smiled and turned to see Brett. He grinned at me and kissed me. He didn’t stop until we heard a growl.

“She’s mine,” Aaron growled at Brett. Brett’s eyes grew wide and he started backing away. Aaron’s eyes glowed red and he smirked and smashed Brett into a wall.

Brett started bleeding and if I was actually human I would have been disgusted but it smelled so good. I felt my fangs slip out and I licked my lips.

“Kasey, no!” Brett yelled as I leaned in to bite him. I wanted to stop but I couldn’t. It smelled too good.

Aaron laughed in the background as I sucked up the blood.

“NO!” I shrieked as I woke up. Yes, we sleep. Everyone needs rest eventually, even vampires.

Jay shot up in her bed sputtering curse words.

“What’s wrong, Kasey?” she growled, not too happy with me.

“…Just a nightmare.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay sorry that this chapter sucked (no pun intended) I have been having a bad week for updating since I was sick for 3 days and then I had a lot of make-up work to do. Hope you like this anyways.