Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



I lay there in my bed, staring up into the darkness. It's been about an hour since Kasey was stupid enough to scream and wake me up. Only problem? I couldn't get back to sleep.

Finally, I sighed and sat up. I threw my blankets off of me, shrinking back slightly from the cold. But I pushed myself off of my bed and made it in the dark and went over to my dresser. I could feel eyes on me, but I didn't pay attention to her.

"What are you doing?" Kasey asked finally as I pulled a Miami Inc. belly shirt from a drawer as well as clean underthings and went to the closet and pulled out a pair of low-rise skinny jeans. Hey, if your going to a boarding school, you might as well have a little bit of funny upseting puritan teachers, right?

"Taking a shower, then going for a walk." I said easily, grabbing a boys sweatshirt with skulls, guitars headphones and other music related things out of the closet.

"Are you nuts?" She demanded, sitting up now. "It's....... Three thirty in the morning, and theres a guy that could be wandering around right now waiting to turn you into a snack." She said.

"No, I'm not nuts. Well, maybe I am. I don't know. All I know is that someone woke me up, and now I can't get back to sleep. And it's not like I'll go outside. Someone will have to hear me if I scream, right?"

"And that someone might also decide he or she is hungry." She pointed out.

"Oh well. Sucks for me then. If I'm lucky, it'll be Benji and he can save the schools rep again." I said, muttering the last part, even though I knew she could hear me.

"He-" She started. But I went into the bathroom and closed the door and started the hot water.


I looked around as I walked, praying that Aaron wouldn't pop out of nowhere, which he seemed to have a habit of doing.

Take a left.

Hearing voices...... Maybe I am crazy.....

I continued to walk, taking the left as the voice in my head had told me to. I really didn't want to, I don't typically trust voices that nobody would be able to hear besides me, but, I couldn't stop myself. My feet totally ignored my brain and proceeded to turn me to the left.

After wandering down that hallway for a while, the voice made another appearence.


Sure enough, against my will, I turned right. This school was really starting to creep me out. It was making me crazy. I didn't need to be crazy.... Well, anymore crazier then I really am.

Into that room. The voice commanded as I came to a stop in front of a door- the only door in this entire hallway. I took the few steps to the door, despite the fact that I really didn't want to. I opened the door, to see nothing more then a storage closet. But I walked inside anyway, as if there were something of importance inside to me. The door swung shut as I started to look through the stuff in the closet.

I walked around a stack of boxes towards the back of the room, and then I fell. But I didn't hit the ground. I continued to fall in to the darkness. After a minute I did hit the ground, and hard. But it didn't feel like the flooring that had been upstairs. This was harder, like a basement. I looked up to see a square of light. A hidden door, that must have been under the carpet I had been standing on. What the hell! Some luck I had.

The voice in my head laughed as the door closed. I pushed myself painfully to my feet. I was sore all over from hitting the cold cement. I felt around the walls, praying for a ladder of something. There had to be some way out of this stupid room.

Wait. A castle full of vampires. Shouldn't they just be able to jump up there?


I continued to feel around, and came in contact with nothing. I was just in a small, square, concrete room, whose only door was hidden under a rug.
I sat on the ground, drawing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them to think.

"Way to go genuis. Your screwed now." I muttered to myself. I had a feeling that Aaron had somehow had something to do with this. Besides, I was always tired... If I woke up in the middle of the night, I always just rolled over and went back to sleep. I never wanted to go for a walk.

I yawned, and rested my head on my knees. I could feel something warm seeping through the denim and hitting my skin. I touched my forehead and winced slightly.

Great. My head was bleeding. I must have hit it when I fell.

....Now what do I do?
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Heres another chapter! Hope you liked it. Hmm... Hearing voices.... No I don't hear voices! >.>....<.<......
