Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



I decided to give Jaysmin 45 minutes for her walk. What Benji didn’t know that I let Jay do couldn’t hurt him…right? I kept my mind off of it in case, though.

I nearly panicked when the time was up. Where the hell was she? Damn it, if Aaron got a hold of her, Benji would never forgive me. I prayed that Ben was still asleep as I snuck out to go find her.

It honestly wasn’t too hard to find her scent. It’s extremely distinct so I could narrow it down. I frowned when I realized how strong it was. It was as if she was…

…Bleeding a lot. I frowned when I saw her on the ground, her head bleeding like crazy. I know head wounds were usually supposed to do that but it smelled so good that, it was hard to resist. I was confused, since bloodlust was clouding up my mind.

Where was she? I couldn’t see her…there was only the stupid supply closet. But I did hear a hint of what was going on.

“Good to see you, Kasey,” Aaron smirked at me, making it clear that it was him behind this (not that it wasn’t obvious).

“Let her go, Aaron,” I growled.

“And give up my delicious snack, I don’t think so.”

I hesitated; I didn’t know what to say. I could threaten him but he would probably use his stupid mind control to make me change my mind; I could tell the dean what was going on but Aaron would deny it; or I could fight him. I was tempted to choose the last one.

“Want to share?” Aaron asked mockingly. I growled and bared my teeth (not a good idea, since he knew that my fangs were out). He just laughed at me.

“You’re about as scary as a kitten, Kasey,” Aaron said, shrugging me off.

I’ll show you, kitten, asshole.

I felt a rush of adrenaline pump through my veins. My eyes were probably dilated since there was a sudden clarity to everything. I could see Aaron’s negative energy flow around him like a dark red light. I frowned; it wasn’t pretty.

I smirked and thought about Aaron being in pain; extreme pain, like the kind that he would have if I cut off his balls (yes I just love that mental image). Aaron’s eyes suddenly grew wide and he fell to the ground withering in pain.

Under more normal circumstances I would have questioned what the hell was going on with me but I was just happy to have Aaron distracted.

I ran inside the shed. “Jay?” I called.

“Down here,” she mumbled sounding like she was a bit in pain. I jumped down to help her.

“Where’s Aaron?” she asked.

“Does it matter? He’s not here and I am here to help you.”

“I guess not.”

I frowned. I didn’t like seeing her hurt. Her energy was a tad darker because she was in pain. I used the little adrenaline I had left and tried to take away the pain for her. Thankfully, it worked.

Jay rubbed her forehead in shock, “How the hell did you do that?”

“I…don’t know. Let’s just get out of here,” I picked her up and jumped out of the shed to bring her back to our dorm.

As I walked back one question wouldn’t leave my mind; What’s wrong with me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay Kasey has a plot other than being in love with Aaron and Brett! Hope you liked it.