Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



When we got back to our room, Kasey put me on my bed. I was incredibly tired, and dizzy. My eyes rolled over in my head as if I was high, but I was just having trouble focusing.

"I should go get a teacher..." Kasey said, pacing to the door. I nodded once in agreement. I watched her pull open the door, and saw Benji's face in the doorway. "Ben!" Kasey said, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I smelt blood... A lot of it. What happened?" Benji asked.


"Don't give me that.... I followed blood back here." He said. By his voice, I would say that he was incredibly annoyed. Kasey sighed.

"Jay went for a walk and Aaron found her." She told him.

"And you were going to leave her here, alone and bleeding to go get a teacher? You would have come back to one of two things. A dead girl, or a fang banger." He growled. "Jay, are you dumb? You shouldn't have gone for a walk without someone to go with you... You already know that Aaron wants to kill you..." He said. Kasey just left the room.

"Benji, I don't need a bodyguard and I couldn't sleep because Kasey woke me up." I replied. He started pacing around the room, and I followed him with my eyes, pushing myself into a sitting position on my bed.

"Did he taste your blood?" He asked me, continuing to pace and ignoring my comment about bodyguards. Now that Kasey was gone, the horrid pain came back in my head and pretty much every where else from my fall.

"No." I told him, still watching him pace.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutley. I fell, then the next thing I know, Kaseys there." I told him, leaning against my headboard.

"Your going to have to be even more careful now. Well, now your going to have to be careful to begin with, since you clearly weren't before......." He muttered. He paused mid pace, then came and sat on the edge of my bed. "What the hell compelled you to go for a walk?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Like I said, Kasey woke me up and then I couldn't go back to sleep for some reason, and then I went for a walk." I replied.

"And what made you end up in a storage closet?" He asked, obviously looking through someones mind for the details.

"I don't know... Voices led me there." I told him.

"....Voices?" He questioned.

"Well, one voice.. It told me where to go, and then it told me to go into the room.... I didn't want to, but, my feet must have developed minds of their own." I said.

"Or, Aaron got in your head..." Benji told me. I just looked at him, confused. "If Aaron wants to, he can control anyone. Typically it's only whose scent he could distingish after years of not seeing them.. He must hound you or something if he can already control you." He mused. I stayed quiet. "Can I ask you a question?" He asked suddenly.

"Wasn't that a question?" I replied. He rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean." He said. I nodded. "Why did you think that I saved you to protect the schools reputation?"

"Because I.... Isn't that what you were doing?" I asked.

"No, of course not! I saved you because I like you... A lot more then I probably should.... I love you." He said softly.

"I-" I started.

Lie. The voice in my head demanded in a growl.

"....I see..... I wish I could say that I feel the same." I lied. My eyes shifted to a point just beyond his head. From my periphial vision, I could easily see the face, and the way his eyes fell and the corners of his mouth dropped slightly, and the way he just started to look sad at the uncaring words that left my lips.

I immediatly felt horrid. Why hadn't I told the truth? I had wanted to, I really, really had.... So why had I listened to the voice in my head and lied to his face about the way I felt?

A few seconds later, Kasey walked in with the principal. Benji left immediatly. Kasey looked after him, and went to leave when the principal started to talk.

"What happened?" He demanded. Kasey was halfway out the door.

Lie. The voice demanded again. Once again, I couldn't help myself but obey the command.

"Nothing. I fell down the stairs." I said.

"Well, we should get you checked out... Come on though. I'll bring you to the hospital." He said, helping me to my feet. Kasey had frozen in the doorway, looking back at me. I didn't look her in the eye. Then she left the room, more then likely to find Benji and find out what was going on.

I hated myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another chapter. I am incredibly, incredibly sorry that it took so long to post. I've just been outrageuosly busy with school work and everything.... But, I am officially on holiday break. Tomorrow was supposed to be the last day of school before break, as well as national bunk day, but it was cancelled due to an impending snow storm in which we are due to get a foot of snow. Fun! Not like I was going to school anyway. Like I said, national bunk day.

Well, enjoy!