Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



Jaysmin was lying. I could tell because of her energy… Don’t ask me how I know what the colors meant so fast. Not that I had time to drill her about lying. I had some pieces to pick up from the mess that just happened.

Ben was in his room huddled up on his bed. Brett was trying to calm him down with no dice.

“…You should head to the hospital,” I told Brett. He frowned.

“What’s going on?”

“Your sister is hurt.”

“What happened?” he asked. I growled under my breath. I didn’t have time to answer Pretty Boy’s questions right now. “Wait, don’t answer that, it’s Jay, she doesn’t need to have accidents to get hurt.”

“…Just, go. And if you see Aaron give me a call,” I tossed him a cell phone. “We’ll be there in an hour at the very least.”

He hesitated.

“Go!” I ordered. His eyes grew wide and he listened to me.

I sat on the edge of Ben’s bed when Brett was gone.

“What happened?” I asked gently.

“She doesn’t love me. Of course not. Why would anyone love a stupid bloodsucking monster like me?”

I frowned. He seemed to be having an itty-bitty-pity party. I bent down so I was face to face with him. “Because you’re the sweetest bloodsucking monster I know?”

(Insert ‘awing’ noise here since I know you humans all want to)

“You’re so sappy,” he growled affectionately.

“Thank you.”

“But I’m not going,” he said.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him off of the bed while I got of. “Yes, you are.” I dragged him with me to the hospital.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I figured I own an explanation for the banner. Well the girl fits my image of Kasey. Um...the guy...isn't Brett or least....not what I pictured them as. So we're just going to call him Aaron since it looks like he's looking down Kasey's shirt (and yes she is wearing a shirt...I think it's strapless) and we all know that everyone's favorite vampire would do that.

Hope you liked it even though it was short.