Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



"I'm fine." I insisted as the doctor continued to try to find any more cuts, bruises, fractures or something of the sort.

"No your not." He responded. "You have a concussion, and your ankle is sprained."

"That's fine in my books." I snapped.

"Jaysmin, just shut up and let the man do his job." Brett said from behind me.

"No. Now shut the hell up." I replied. I hated hospitals. I absolutley hated them. They scared the crap out of me. Plus, it didn't help that right now I just wanted to go curl up under my blankets and hide from the rest of the world and try to figure out why the hell I had told Benji what I had.

"The rest of you seems to be okay." The doctor said, pulling one of those obnoxiously long bandages that you wrap around your ankle or anywhere else out of a drawer. He began to wrap my ankle. "But I want you to come back if you feel any more pain. Or at least call and tell me whats wrong." He added on.

"Fine, fine. Can I just go now?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied as he finished. "Just hold on a second." He left the room, then came back a moment later holding crutches. "Here. Use them, or you could break your ankle or make it worse, and then you'll be forced to come back." He said. I took them and lowered myself down off of the examination table.

"Well, let's go then before I go insane." I said. Brett opened the door for me, and the principal and him followed me out of the room and down the hallway to the waiting room.

I could see Kasey and Benji talking in one corner. Benjis face was eerily expressionless. I didn't like it. Kasey's face, however, did show an expression. She was clearly angry. She came over to me and Brett as the principal went over to sign whatever papers needed to be signed by my current guardian, since I was a minor and my parents weren't here.

"I need to talk to you. Alone. Now." She said before stalking off down a hallway. Confused, I followed. Halfway down the hallway, she stopped and turned on her heel to look at me. She didn't speak until I was standing directly in front of her.

"What?" I asked.

"Why the hell did you lie about what happened?" She demanded.

"Because... If they had gone to Aaron, he would have just denied everything. Then it's my word against his, and they've known him longer, and hes supposed to have a great rep at that school or something, except for in your case." I told her. "And there was no proof against him. He never phsyically touched me, and he was nowhere near me when I went into the room. I never saw him. And on top of that, even if they did find some proof that he did it, he would just come after me more and try and get me killed, because it would be my fault that somebody found out and he got some form of punishment, if they did punish him somehow." I said. I made that up on the spot. I couldn't tell her that I lied because a voice in my head made me.

"Okay.. I guess that makes sense..." She said after a minute. By the look on her face, I'd say she hadn't thought of that. "But then why does Benji think that you don't like him, when I know you do?" She asked.

"Because I told him I didn't." I admitted.

"Why in the hell did you do that?" She demanded.

"Because, I-" I started. I was going to tell her the truth. I was going to tell her that a voice in my head made me lie to him, and that even though I still attempted to try to tell him the truth, totally different words came out of my mouth.

Don't you dare tell her. The cold voice in my head snarled. I took a breath.

"Because I don't. I don't understand why you think I do." I said. My voice scared me. It was flat, emotionless. By the look in her eyes, she believed me just because of the tone in my voice. But I could also see that there was some part of her that didn't believe me, that knew the truth.

"Jay.." She started.

"I'm going back with Brett and whatever our principals name is." I told her. "I'll see you later." I turned and made my way back over to Brett.

"What was that about?" He asked as he helped me over to the car.

"Nothing." I replied. "She just wanted to know if I was okay and some other stuff." I lied.

"Oh... Do you know what's wrong with Benji?" He asked me. "He's totally out of it, and he keeps mumbling something about loving a monster. He's been doing it since he came back to our dorm earlier. He still is." He told me. I mentally flinched, but some force made me seem perfectly normal.

"I have no idea." I told him.

Brett willingly got in the backseat. He said it was better then taking the bus back, since he had taken a bus to get to the hospital. When I sat down, I pulled down the visor to see how bad the cuts on my head were. I knew that two of them had had to be stitched, but I wanted to see how bad they looked. What I saw surprised me.

My eyes were different, for starters. They were muddy brown, almost black. They were normally a light, pretty brown. This color was ugly. And they were totally lifeless. Also, my skin was really pale. Like, I was paler then the vampires in those Twilight books are supposed to be. Also, my cheek bones were starting to stick out, as if I had lost too much weight. But I had looked fine this morning, and I know I didn't lose any weight on my short walk. I looked down at myself. My clothes were hanging loosely, when they had been form fitting when I first put them on. They normally were form fitting anyway. Now... Now they just hung there. The bones in my hand were starting to stick out as well, and some of the veins.

What the hell was happening to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Heres another chapter. And yes, I am going someplace with this!

Well... I don't have much more to say, so.......
