Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



I didn’t see enough of Jay to be able to tell if she was alright. She was extremely distant. But from what I did see she looked awful. She was pale and getting thin. Her eyes were bloodshot and some of her veins were popping out.

But what scared me the most was that her aura (that’s what it’s called according to my research) was fading.

I wanted to ask Ben about it but he was still pretty depressed. Trust me, vamps can hold a grudge. Besides, if I told him about how I can see auras he’d think I’m crazy.

So I headed to the principal’s office to try and see if he would be able to transfer the humans back home. That way, I could at least keep Aaron here.

“I’m sorry Ms. Edison,” he said when I asked. “But we can’t afford to give them a refund and have them go to another school.”

“Is that more important than their lives?” I hissed. He was starting to annoy me.

Yes, let the anger build up inside of you, some voice said in my head. I frowned and ignored it.

“Kasey, if they were in any real danger we’d know by now.”

“But Aaron-”

Oh please, the voice hissed. As if he’d really take your word over mine. You’re just a filthy blood whore. Unlike you, I actually have a good reputation.

That had convinced me to go to the library to do some research. If there was something I could do against Aaron I wanted to know every damn thing I could.

And of course I almost ran into Brett.

“Hey Kasey,” he said with a warm smile that made me regret what I wanted to tell him.

“…Hi,” I said, trying to see his aura. His was a deep green color with some specks of pink in it. I made a mental note to look up what that meant later. “We need to talk.”

“About…?” he said, getting a cute look of confusion.

“You and your sister need to transfer.”

“What are you talking about?” he said, shocked.

“It’s too dangerous, Brett.”

“But we have you and Benji to protect us.”

“What if I screw up?” I blurted.
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Yeah I'm not too fond of this chapter since it's rather fillerish....I don't know.It was fun to write.

Oh and I found a cool website for Aura's here. What's really funny is that red actually really fits Aaron but I didn't know what the colors meant until yesterday.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!