Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



I snuck out of the room while Jaysmin-or Jay, whatever- unpacked her things. I needed air before I killed the poor girl—or got her hooked on vampire bites, neither of which would be extremely good.

I tried to walk down the hallways without getting noticed until I bumped into Benji (or Ben as I call him).

Benji has been one of my best friends since I was turned. You see, when I was first turned he was a real sweetie to me and we just sort of clicked. I mean, we’re not romantic or anything, but we’re really good friends.

“Hey, Kase,” he grinned at me, “What’s up?”

“…I have a new roommate,” I started then I realized something, “How the hell did you get into the girls’ dorms? Aren’t they off limits?”

“I’m bringing my sister some medicine,” he grinned once again. I had to roll my eyes.

“You don’t have a sister,”

“What they don’t know won’t kill them, I mean, technically we’re all already dead,”

Benji has a special power, you see, he has a very strong compulsion (a.k.a. what people thought Dracula had, but he doesn’t say “Look into my eyes” with a Romanian accent or anything, he just makes you want to do things…kind of like Luke in Star Wars, if you’ve seen that) and it even works on teachers. It’s pretty funny and useful, when it isn’t used against you.

“Hey, Kasey? Can you show me to the other dorms I want to visit my sis-”

Jaysmin had come out of the room to talk to me but she stopped dead when she saw Benji. He also wasn’t talking and just staring at her. I almost felt jealous at they’re obvious connection when I realized what was going on.

“Ben, no!” I pushed him away from Jaysmin.

“Kasey, what the hell are you doing?” Ben yelled at me, squirming under me.

“…I thought you were going to eat her,”

“No, I wasn’t!” he yelled.

♠ ♠ ♠
Don't listen to Kerri, she is crazy and she probably would date a vampire. So =P to you, Kerri!

...Hope you enjoy.


PS Comments would be nice...