Status: Inactive

And You Thought Your School Sucked



To make a long story short Brett and I are merely friends (hardly that, I mean the most I’ve done that was a bit friendly was I moved his legs—I know, I’m such a slut) and Aaron never did kiss me.


I sat in English class bored stiff. Vampires have been teaching this crap for many, many years, I’d think that they’d teach better.

My mind kept wandering to Aaron. What was he doing now? Was he training Brett? Did he like Brett? Did Brett smell as good to him as he did to me? Was he thinking about me, too? …Wow I sound like a 12 year old obsessing over the Backstreet Boys (yes I know that’s dated but, I’m a vampire, what do you expect?).

Jaysmin came in snapping me back to reality.

The rest of the class consisted of me and Ben trading sarcastic comments that humans (or vampires that weren’t close by) wouldn’t be able to hear.

Then we were about to head to History (has to be the worst vamp class ever, if you think your grandparents talking about “back in their day” is bad, you should see Mr. Black and his Puritan rant) when Aaron walked over.

Once again my heart fluttered and everything and I felt my knees go weak. That is, until I saw the way he looked at Jaysmin. It made me want to slap him, steak him in the heart, burn him in the sun (yes I realize half these things don’t actually work but trust me Shakespeare obviously had never met me when he wrote that “Hell hath no fury” quote), then shove crosses up places that no guy would ever want, and then I’d make sure that he’d never be a gu-

“Kasey, relax,” Ben muttered to me, trying to calm me down (yes he can read thoughts too sometimes…it doesn’t always work for me too much) and it sort of worked.

Jaysmin looked extremely uncomfortable and that’s when I realized what Aaron was doing. He was thirsty. Of course! He wouldn’t cheat on me like that! He’s just hungry and there’s a Golden Blood right in front of him!

“Jaysmin, Aaron, Aaron, Jaysmin,”

“Charmed,” he said, smiling showing his fangs. Idiot.

Jaysmin got really uncomfortable (can’t say I blame her, I’d be freaked out, too).

It was an awkward silence until Ben said, “Come on, Jay,” –no I don’t know how he learned her nickname so fast-“I’ll walk you to class,”

Both of them practically ran away leaving me and Aaron alone.

“You better keep an eye on that girl,” Aaron warned me, suddenly growing serious (his eyes even dulled in color to a dark stormy sea green), “there might be an accident with her,”

I was appalled.

“Is that…a threat?” I asked slowly.

“Perhaps,” he said, and with that he was gone.
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Enjoy! =D