
Chapter 1

Vanity Devon.

Help me. Get me out of here.

May she rot in hell.
Green shook his head and glared evenly at the small group of people standing before him, in a huddle.

I need out. Let me leave.

Green walked past the group and into the hotel that was wherre everything was.
The hotel, was named after Vanity herself.
It was the Vanity Mae Hotel.
One of the most successfull hotels in the world.
And it was run completely by the supernatural.

Please... Help me.

For instance, Green reflected. The cook had died thirty-four years ago.
The bellboy had killed himself back in 1967.
The tree he'd hung himself on was still in the front of the hotel.

Why? I won't hurt anyone anymore.

The Vanity Mae- was it was refferred to casually- was built in the very early 1900s.
It has the same initial set up.
It looked like a plantation home.
People loved it because it still had the old oriental furniture.
There were three buildings that belonged to Vanity Mae.
The actual hotel with most of the rooms, the building where all the staff stayed.
And then... the warehouse.

It hurts, it hurts. Stop it. I want to go.

Everyone who worked at the Vanity Mae was cursed.
They were cursed by Vanity herself.
She could speak to them.
She could scream at them.
She could make them feel her pain.

And it was all inside their heads.
Sometimes, Green thought, that was a little hard to remember.

Please... Please...
♠ ♠ ♠
Just an idea