Feel of the Flesh

Chapter Three

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Innya's eyes snapped open and she bolted upright, nostrils flaring, heart racing.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

There it was again. Someone was tapping on her window. She took a deep breath, trying to sniff out who it was, and relaxed when she recognized Rhys' musk.

"Rhys, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Innya hissed, prying her window open and helping her grinning boyfriend into her room. Rhys dropped to his knees, clasping her hand over his heart.

"Arise, fair Sun, and slay the envious Moon! But the Moon is our goddess, and we cannot slay her! Come running with me, Sunny. Please?"

"B-but, it's after midnight! Are you crazy?"

Innya rolled her eyes as Rhys jumped to his feet and took her in his arms, bending her over backwards and planting a wet, hot kiss on her waiting mouth.

"Crazy for you. Come on, Eddie won't find out. I promise," he growled, letting his hands wander down her back.

"If he does, he'll kill you," she replied, her resolve slipping as Rhys pulled her back up and wrapped his arms around her again, cradling her body the way she liked best.

"Please, baby?"

"Oh, good Lord. I don't know why I let you talk me into the things you do."

"Yay!" Rhys said childishly, grabbing Innya's hands and waltzing her around the room.

"Stop it!" Innya hissed, clambering for the window. "If we're going to do this, we have to get out of my room and hurry up. We don't want daddy hearing."

"Yes, princess."

Rhys fake saluted and Innya thumped him in the forehead as they climbed out onto the grassy lawn and ran to a clump of wisteria. They shuddered into their other forms and took off, paws thudding in a vague rhythm against the dirt roads.

But little did they know, another pair of yellow eyes were watching them that night.