Feel of the Flesh

Chapter Seven

Hours passed as they waited on Rhys and Innya's father to return, and Stray kept Innya amused with his lively banter.

And the more Innya got to know Stray, the more he intrigued her. He was twenty-two years old, had never tasted human flesh, had been born in the wilds of Montana to an absent father and a scared teenage mother. He had also hiked the Pacific Crest trail, kayaked down the Grand Canyon, and sang with a blues band in New Orleans.

She liked him from the start. Perhaps more than she should have. The way his green eyes danced as they locked in on hers, the outrageous way he waved his arms around when he got to talking about something he was passionate about, and the way his eyes went dreamy when he mentioned Christopher McCandless, his self-professed hero and role model.

He spoke of how he had read Thoreau's works, and had given her and enthusiastic high five when she said that she had Civil Disobedience.

"... I think we, as Lycans, have a duty of civil disobedience. I mean, we don't really have hunting permits, or anything of the sort. We pass as humans, but we don't even exist!" he had declared, thumping his hand down on a pillow to make his point.

"I agree, Stray!" Innya had bellowed, his fierceness making her middle melt.

But as soon as thoughts- forbidden thoughts- of Stray entered her mind, she felt guilty. Rhys sweet face, grinning that lop-sided grin appeared in the eye of her mind, and made her blush as she imagined this other man's hands on her body.

Rhys had never strayed from her. And now, she was lusting after this... Stray.

How ironic.