That's Violation

That's Violation

"Wow, I can't believe Pete's getting married," Will mused, leaning against the tacky wall paper that covered the room. "I mean, Pete doesn't get married. Pete does Pete stuff, like staying out of committed relationships and sabotaging his opponent's efforts in beating him at an Xbox game. Fuck that, I would have totally won if he hadn't pushed me over and stolen my controller."

"Not to mention doing guys," Patrick added.

"Oh yeah, that was quite a turn around."

Pete glared at their reflections in the mirror as he straightened his bow tie. "You realize I'm, like, five feet away from you, right?"

Will and Patrick exchanged glances, before nodding.

Pete groaned and started messing with his cuffs.

"Did you see him check himself out before?" Will continued, shaking his head in a disapproving way.

Patrick sighed, mimicking the motion. "He's too vain for a wife."

"Look, are you guys going to keep mocking me like I'm not here or are you going to help me get ready for my wedding?"

A smug smirk twisted Will's lips. "I think it's pretty obvious we chose the first option. It was quite amusing to see a grown man take half an hour just to put on a bow tie, though."

Pete made a face in the mirror before taking a step back and admiring himself. "How do I look?" he asked as he twirled on his heel.

"Gay," Patrick answered, honestly, only to receive a glower.

Will glanced down at his wrist. "Well, while you two engage in a lover's spat, I'm going to go check on your to-be-Mrs." He was just about to walk out, before he added, "Patrick, make sure he doesn't have his shirt sticking out of his fly."

As he closed the door behind him, Will heard Pete snap, "Patrick, get your hands the fuck away from my crotch!"

He traipsed down the hallway, but just before the bride's dressing room he halted, and started eying the space in front of him suspiciously. He turned around, only to find himself nose-to-nose with Gabe Saporta, trying his best to look well-dressed. Though he wasn't doing so well, considering his shirt was untucked and part-way unbuttoned.

Will's face fell within seconds. "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you are?"

Gabe armed himself with a goofy grin. "Do you have any idea how much you want me right now?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Though, you know, you didn't have to kick me out of Pete's dressing room just so we could be alone."

Will narrowed his eyes. "You were feeling me up. That's violation."

Gabe shrugged. "You've never had a problem with it before."

"You were leaning past Patrick to do it."

"Yeah, well, that's his fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Besides, it's nothing he hasn't felt before."

"He squealed."

"I stopped after that!"

Will rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Yeah, because he hit you!"

"Do you want to fuck or not, Beckett?"

"No, do you have any idea how expensive these pants are?"

Gabe made a face. "I'm not going to be doing anything to your pants, dude. Come on, we're not even in a church yet, no need to be prude. Can't even let a desperate old man feel you up."

"Do you have any idea how much you are not helping?" Will groaned.

"Come on." Gabe wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him in close. "Pete won't miss you that much..."

Will blinked rapidly. "Do you really have to mention Pete right now?"

"I," Gabe began, starting to tug at the buttons of Will's shirt, "am going to take that as permission to shove you in this closet."

Will mumbled something incoherent in response, struggling for the door handle behind his back.

To be honest, it was pure luck that it was in fact a closet, and that it wasn't the bride's dressing room. Regardless to how uncomfortable it was being pushed up against various brooms and mops, and having a bucket to compete with, it was undeniable that luck shone on the lustful, as in the room next door Ashley smoothed down the stomach of her dress. Some people just don't know how fortunate they are.