Stories of Siv Spencer Theophane

United we fall

No sinful archive is finished without a devious variant, and Siv frankly did not know which man appeared more horrified of the manner of which they were spoken to. The experiments undertaken in those laboratories were not those of which required a population, so he could be right in suspecting they weren’t capable of answering back with a snide remark. Tiles were tessellated over the floor in a checkered pattern, and either the clack of shoes was drawing nearer or Siv’s mind was falling further away. A small whew escaped the elderly man’s lips, clearly relieved to see the rest of them had arrived. Siv had heard the younger man utter his name but was astonished to find it mattered more to learn about this other man, so his ears had blocked out the other voice although the other man had ignored the question entirely. Siv’s mouth shaped like a rah sound, because more company had not been anticipated and certainly not wanted by him. But these man appeared unexpectedly affable,
“Are you both trying to escape too?”

One man of the crowd had asked the three of them. Siv couldn’t believe his ears, he had never stepped out of his room before but he would have if he had known others shared his aim. This corridor was too far central for room seventeen to be within earshot, so it wouldn’t have surprised him if these man had been searching for an escape for weeks unknowing to him. This was a small surprise compared to what happened next, before Siv’s eyes.

The younger man nodded and joined them, he had seemed too focused to care. Siv’s eyes began to burn through the older man that shook his head, but it appeared he was the only one. Siv heard him speak,
“When your rejected by the cruel world you’ll come back, but the door will once again be hidden” he spoke to an oblivious group of men. View from a forward angle there appeared to be approximately ten men there, touching and scratching at the walls for the exit. Siv did not want to join them, but he wanted to escape the old man’s glare, so he reluctantly moved toward them. Siv presumed that this was the remainder of the corridor that hadn’t been searched yet. They clawed through over the brick for an indefinable time before a man shouted; “I’ve found it!”. The glory reacted throughout a deafening volume, we looked over to where the man was indicating and saw that a brick was out of place. It was not easily noticed, but the space in-between the brick next to it and itself was slightly larger than the rest of them. For what seemed like a lifetime the men tugged and yanked the brick, but it did not move. It took them another dozen minutes to be entirely convinced that they had not found the door.

Another hour and every man was feeling resentment, they had all retired to varied sections of the building in small numbers so little noise could be heard. Siv had lost sight of the elderly man after the false discovery of the door, but he couldn’t care less he told himself. Siv wandered for several minutes before coming to a cupboard dyed in paint, he could see specks of the old colour skipped out out in the corners. A wondrous pulp of potassium had camped next to it, Siv scooped the powder into his hands and carefully held it above his pocket, rubbing his thumb across his palm to let it fall into the fabric. He didn’t know what the laboratories were like in the outside world, maybe people had to acquire their own resources. He would engage with civilians until he found a guide to help him understand the ways of the people. But he would not make friends, merely acquaintances that he could keep at a distance. Friends were sometimes capable of more hurt than lovers, because their changes are less anticipated. Even the composed chancellors of the outside world had to have experience of intercourse, but he had believed that the people in his many stories could have never experienced the feeling of friendship. He was convinced it was betrayal waiting to happen when one gives their heart to a friend. Nevertheless his kidnapped overview had subsidized the bribery that the outside world was offering, Siv wanted to feel these emotions. If he was fortunate he may experience a broken heart, and Siv was eager to have his heart hurt, just to prove it wasn’t withered.