Stories of Siv Spencer Theophane

Dishonesty is the best policy

This man’s heart must be composed of steel, Siv thought as he turned around and faced the man that once again tried to enforce his rules. Siv’s shoulders tensed underneath the man’s saucepan hands that had moved an inch away from Siv’s face. Siv had been ready to gambol at the sight of something new and seemingly curious, but his long overdue enjoyment had been interrupted, and he was becoming increasingly irritated by this man. He pondered whether the corridors were being watched by a video somewhere, but if this were true alarms would not be needed.

“If this was nothing more than a store cupboard then was it necessary to install an alarm?”

He had to admit that he felt remarkably special with that counter. The man’s furious face had resumed, it was clearly shown in his expression that he was feeling mocked, but this was power Siv had never felt before. His mind was working fast to conjure the reasons why he had not left his room years before, it shocked him - though he refused to let it show on his skin - that this was one of the people he had feared contact with. The man’s face was a comic book that spoke to him, and Siv could read it easily, yet he had not anticipated what had come next until deep hatred moistened his face. The man spat at him, it had hit Siv’s face like unhealthy hailstones - clearly the man had no verbal insults left, even if you could consider any of his previous sentences to have been insults. Siv moved backward now partly with caution and partly to make sure the man wasn’t going to shoot his mouth at him again. His ankle tipped slightly and Siv had to launch his arm behind him to hold onto the inside of the old cupboard still standing unnerved behind him to regain his balance. This was when he noticed the warmth against his palm, like an electrical pattern, and it was running excitedly against his hand, and Siv began to play a game against the wood. His palm made every possible circle that it could, exploring the oak as if it were new to him, and Siv found some areas to be cold and lifeless while other segments pulsed with life through the cupboard wall. He could hear the man behind him draw a harsh intake of breath, and this only aroused his curiosity with a new excitement he had never felt before.

“Compromise! Compromise! I meant you no harm!”

The man shouted, but it was too late, the back of the cupboard purged from its walls, and Siv found himself looking through a window into a bright forest. The fresh air had made him drunken, his legs trembled as he climbed into the cupboard and took his first step outside with the man staring, speechlessly at the opened passageway.

“You’ll die on your own! The outside world will have you for breakfast!” he called after Siv, and when he took no notice, he too stepped into the cupboard and outside into the evergreen forest, for the first time in twenty-five years.