When Jimmy met Syn

When Jimmy met Syn 1

"Just get away from me!" Jimmy screamed as she ran from her boyfriend Jack.

"Shut-up!" Jack yelled. Then he started beating Jimmy.

"NO PLEASE STOP!" Jimmy begged. Jack continued beating her. "Fuck I hate you!" Jimmy said as she started crying.

"Fine I'll stop," Jack calmly replied as he got off Jimmy. Jimmy started crying softly. "Be quiet I only do this because I love you," Jack said.

*meanwhile at Syn's house*

"Michelle I don't believe you," Syn said.

"But sweetie I swear I didn't cheat on you," Michelle replied.

"Ok then why did I catch you in a closet with Adam Gontier?" Syn asked.

"Nothing why?" Michelle replied.

"Damn it why are you a liar!?" Syn asked angrily.

"I'm not a fucking liar you're making up stuff!"

After that Syn and Michelle kept on yelling at each other. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M OUT OF HERE," Syn screamed then he left the house and went to a bar with his band mates.

After Syn left Michelle called Adam and told him to come over I think you know what happened after that.

*Back with Jimmy and Jack*

"You don't love me look at what you fucking do to me," Jimmy quietly whispered to herself.

Then Jack whispered in her ear "I do this because then you will always remember how much I love you."

"Oh yeah burses that are black and purple are such a reminder of how much you love some one," Jimmy replied sarcastically.

After Jimmy made that remark Jack started beating her again. "Don't you ever make dumb remarks like that you little Bitch," Jack said.

Then after an hour Jack stopped beating Jimmy.

She thought to herself why am I here with him I hate him why can't I get away from him?

*Back with Syn*

He thought to himself Why do I keep staying with Michelle why does she have this hold of me and why don't I just leave her?

He walked around for hours and hours then he came home.