When Jimmy met Syn

When Jimmy Met Syn part 7


Jimmy slid her dress off.

Syn then slid off his jeans and everything else he and Jimmy were wearing.

Jimmy then kissed Syn and slid her tongue into his mouth.

Syn broke away from the kiss and kissed Jimmy’s neck.

“Syn” Jimmy cried out seductively.

Syn continued kissing her neck they did that most of the night.

*3 hours later*

Jimmy and Syn just lay in bed holding each other.

“Jimmy I really like you” Syn said.

“I really like you too Syn” Jimmy replied.

Jimmy and Syn fell asleep together,

*Meanwhile back at Tre and Lee’s*

“Where is Jimmy it’s 1:00am?” Lee asked.

“Don’t worry she is probably still out with Syn” Billie explained.

“I hope she’s ok” Lee said.

“She is don’t worry” Tre said.

Then everyone just fell asleep trying to wait up for Jimmy.

*Morning with Syn and Jimmy*

“Morning” Jimmy said as she looked up at Syn.

“Hey Jimmy” Syn replied as he looked at Jimmy.

“Oh my gosh I need to get home” Jimmy franticly said.

“Why?” Syn asked.

“Because everyone always gets worried when some one isn’t home” Jimmy explained getting dressed.

“Oh ok” Syn replied getting dressed as well.

Syn and Jimmy got in the car and drove back to Lee and Tre’s.

They arrived and Jimmy kissed Syn goodbye and got out of the car and went inside.

*back inside the house*

“Good no one is down stairs” Jimmy thought to herself. Jimmy carefully walked up-stairs back to her room.

“AHH!” Jimmy screamed as she walked into her room.

“What are you all doing in here?” Jimmy asked Lee and Tre.

“Just waiting for you to get home” Lee answered.

“Told you she wasn’t dead” Tre commented leaving the room.

“Jimmy I want to know what happened on the date tell me please!” Lee exclaimed.

“Which part?” Jimmy asked.

“The sex part I know you did it with him.” Lee said.

“How do you know?” Jimmy asked.

“Well you’re dress is on backwards you’re looks very messed up need I say more.” Lee explained.

“No I’ll tell you.” Jimmy said.

Jimmy told lee everything that happened that night. From the dinner to the sex.

“Wow Jimmy sounds like you had a great night” Lee commented.

“I did” Jimmy replied.

Jimmy heard a sound from her closet. Jimmy walked towards her closet.

Just as she was about to open her closet door Tre fell to the floor.

Jimmy screamed “WHAT THE FUCK?”

“OW MY ONLY GOOD BALL!” Tre shrieked

Lee laughed.

“OW MY FUCKING ASS” Billie screamed as he fell from the shelf.

“HEY! What’s this soft thing I landed on?” Mike asked.

“IT WAS MY ASS YOU IDIOT!” Billie exclaimed.

“Oh sorry” Mike said getting off Billie’s ass.

Lee was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Jimmy just stood there looking at them normally.

“Ok everyone get out please?” Jimmy asked.

Everyone left Jimmy’s room.

Jimmy then changed into a pair of jeans and her Gun’s N’ Roses shirt and her converse.

Then she went down stairs to find everyone….