I kind of like him more than you


After stroking the side of my face he leant to my ear and whispered. ‘I love you Lucy-Victoria.’
I hesitated for a second before replying,’ I love you too Joshua.’
This was what confused me about mine and Josh’s relationship. I just couldn’t say ‘I love you’ without having to hesitate. I was able to after only a month of dating him, and now, after a year it’s just doesn’t feel right.

At this very moment in time we were at Manchester Victoria train station after a long day of shopping and snogging, waiting for Josh’s train to arrive.

I guess I’d better tell you something about myself.

I was the ‘nerd’ at school except I wasn’t really classed as one. I was friends with everyone from the populars to the skaters. But I had my own group of friends, just the 6 of us, Harriet, Pippa, Grace, Sam, Josh and me. We were the ones who you would see at the bottom of the field at lunchtimes having some of the best times of their lives. We organised trips camping and to theme parks where we would make videos of ourselves looking like freaks. We posted them on YouTube and we’d sit and laugh at the comments we got. ‘
In the ‘group’ we all had a best friend, the one we could trust more than anyone else, mine was Harriet. We told each other everything, we still do. She always knows when I’m not feeling right.
I finished school with 8 A*’s and 3 A’s. Told you I was a nerd.
Everybody except me and Josh stayed on for 6th form. Josh and I just wanted to get away, have a change and see something new.
We started at a college about 10 minutes from our the school so we could all meet up once a week and go down to the park and mess about on the swings and climbing frames.
From spending so much time together doing coursework and lessons, Josh and I got close. We told each other everything and we started getting feelings for each other.
And on Christmas of our first year at college Josh asked me out.
Now I was working at Zavvi’s after college trying to get some money for University in America.

3 minutes later I could see his train coming in to the platform.
‘I’ll miss you.’ He said as the train stopped. I nodded and murmured, ‘I’ll miss you too.’
He leant in and kissed me before jumping on the train only a second before the doors slid shut. I waited for him to give him his usual wave from his seat before I turned around and headed back into the centre of town.
I really didn’t fancy going home just now and spending 20 minutes on a bus; another hour shopping would make me feel so much better.
It wasn’t that I’m not happy with Josh, more the fact that I know that he likes me a lot more than I like him. I just feel as if he should be with someone better for him, someone that likes him more than I do.
It’s a shame George doesn’t dance on Market Street anymore, he would have done the job, but nowadays everybody’s famous and you can’t keep hold of the people who you need to be there when you need them most.
After a good half hour browsing through the large selection of cds in HMV I wandered out to see the street under a blanket of umbrellas. Great, just what I needed. Rain.
The Arndale was already heaving; everyone was in here to escape the weather.
I wandered around, every now and again slipping into shops, Top Shop, New Look, Apple and Waterstones. I finally ended up outside Apple again and decided to go into the shop next door, the Disney Store. It wouldn’t do that much harm, I just have to prevent myself from wasting my money on stuff that I’ll never use, e.g. The Hannah Montana key ring, that I bought last week, which is somewhere in my bedroom.
After spending £7 which I regretted as soon as I stepped out the door I decided a frapp would be nice.

‘Starbucks here I come!’ I shouted in my mind. My gosh I haven’t had Starbucks in a while.

‘Strawberries and cream please.’
I paid for my order and waited for a minute before receiving it. I looked round. Great, no empty tables.
And then I noticed a spare armchair next to three guys.

‘Hey, do you mind if I sit here, there are no other seats.’

The oldest of them all looked up from his newspaper,
‘No, not at all. I’m Kevin, This is Joe’ He said pointing to the guy next to him who had his iPod on while he was jotting things down in his notebook.
‘And this is Nick.’ He carried on pointing to the youngest who was on a laptop.

‘Hi, I’m Lucy-Victoria, but I’d prefer it if you would just call me Victoria.
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter. Hope you enjoy ;)

Here's a pic of Josh Franceschi for those who don't know who he is