Living's Just The Easy Part...

Disclaimer: I don’t own MCR…
I do own any other characters…
The story line is made up, most of it isn’t true…

Bob, Mikey, Ray, Frank and Alexia are all in the same class at Belleville High School (New Jersey). They are all pretty close and all have issues in some shape or form. This is a story about them dealing with their problems.

I’ve given it a high rating because there might be some drug usage and maybe some other stuff later on, but I’ve given it this rating just in case…

Ages… (aren’t remotely true but shush…)

Alexia - 16
Bob - 16
Mikey - 16
Ray - 16
Frank - 16
Gerard - 21

  1. Chapter One
    Please comment.
  2. Chapter Two
    Please comment.
  3. Chapter Three
    Please comment.
  4. Chapter Four
    Please comment.