Seven Hours Are Neverending

We're Falling

A boy of seventeen sits against his off white wall, pictures from his cork board stare at him from across the room. Two voices are getting louder right outside his room, his father is screaming at his mother to kick 'the boy' out already.

This boy is Jonathan Brok and has just come out to his parents.

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Five houses down another boy of seventeen is sitting at his computer desk argueing with someone over the internet. Getting frustrated he slams his laptop closed and stands up stretching his back. A poster of his favourite band stares at him from the wall behind his bed.

This boy is Brett McDonald and has just decided he no longer loves his girlfriend.

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A version of optimism that ruins lives. A shot of cocaine that strikes a realization. Boys live to close together, think to similarly, don't buy it on DVD please.
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Sorry it's so short. More tomorrow.