Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

Okay, this is my first story online, but i have written this story out on Word. So i hope you like it, and if you have any questions or comments just tell me!
  1. Real silver
    First chapter, it kinda sucks so sorry.
  2. Perverted stares and Slipknot kisses
  3. Flying gummybears and pizza
    I want gummy bears......Jake stole mine....wasting them on fliess...
  4. Pizza burgers waffles and pancakes
    Sorry if it sucks...really tired....no energy...
  5. Typing tests with ninja's and waffles
    haha thanks for all the comments! You make mee happeeyy ^_^
  6. We went to Candy Mountain.
  7. Everyone Dies.
  8. The date (1)
  9. The date (2)
  10. Where's mom
  11. She bit me.
  12. You know I love you
  13. Andrea's party (1)
  14. Andrea's party (2)
    re-edited as of 10-29-08!
  15. Deal
  16. What the hell mom
  17. Westridge (1)
  18. Westridge (2)
  19. The Purple Cat
    Read all of my Author's note!
  20. Your super hella uber gangsta comfortable.
    Andrea's home.
  21. Bounce like a mouse who weighs an ounce!
  22. I like this game.
  23. Limping with Giggles.
  24. Heart Beat.
  25. Football Games Broke My Heart.
  26. Vodka.
  27. Pictures of Characters finally!
  28. Happy Feet.
  29. Is it true?
  30. I forgot the key.
  31. Black dots.
  32. The Beach
  33. I Love You
    read author's note..
  34. Oh so tragic.
    Final Chapter... read author's note also.