Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

Where's mom

Leon's POV:

I walked into my house and sighed, the place smelt like Jack Daniels and faint perfume. I walked into the living room to see my little sister Andrea sitting on the floor watching cartoons, my Mom was no where to be seen, which I was used to.
" Hey Drea, where's Mom?" I asked sitting on the sofa.
She looked up and smiled, " Leon, how was your date?" She giggled climbing onto my lap.
I smiled and hugged her, " good, now where's Mom?" I asked again.
She stuck her finger into her mouth, shrugged and went back to watching cartoons, " I think she's in the kitchen. I told her I was hungry so she went to cook for me."
I sighed and rested my head on the back of hers, " are you still hungry?" I asked rubbing her little shoulders.
She turned around again and nodded, " I want noodles."
I nodded, " okay, wait here and I'll go make them."
She climbed out of my lap and sat on the otherside watching TV once again, I stood up and quickly walked into the kitchen. My own lovely Mom was sitting at the kitchen table passed out, a bottle of Jack Daniel's next to her. I scowled and instantly grabbed the bottle and threw it away.
" Mom." I mumbled shaking her shoulder.
She stirred slightly and moved her head away from me, " I'll take you to school right now Andrea."
" I'm not Andrea, and there's no school tomorrow." I answered crossing my arms.
She woke up completely and looked at me dazed for a few seconds, " your home."
I nodded, " go ahead and go to bed or where ever, I'll watch Andrea."
She nodded and stood up shakily, she knocked over a coffee mug and just shook her shoulders. I sighed and watched her place her cellphone in her pocket and leave, I heard Andrea say bye just before the front door closed.
I walked over to the stove, started to boil the water and went looking for the ramen noodles.
My dad had taken off a year after Andrea was born, he couldn't handle all the alcohol, and cheating. So he just up and left us alone with our Mom, Andrea usually just thought she was hyper when she was drunk, while I was stuck cleaning up after her.
" Leon, are they almost done?" Drea asked walking into the kitchen. I looked at her outfit for a few seconds, one of my Misfit's t-shirts, and little white socks poking out from underneth.
" Yeah, what have you been doing all day?" I asked stirring the noodles around.
" Well I watched TV with you earlier." I grinned remembering we had started a tickle fight, " and then when you left I watched cartoons until Mommy sat down with me."
I looked at her from the corner of my eye as I got out a bowl, I didn't like her being alone with our Mother, " what happened then?"
Drea shrugged and walked over to the fridge and pulled out a juice box, " she just sat there...YOU HAVE GUMMYWORMS!"
I grinned as she ran over and plucked the box out of my back pocket. I grinned, " you can have the rest, sorry I didnt get gummy bears."
She shrugged and pulled out a blue one and went to eating the head, " it's okay...is it done now?"
I nodded, " go sit down."
She ran out of the kitchen giggling, I smiled and quickly walked into the living room and set the bowl down on the table, " do I let it cool down?"
I nodded and wrapped an arm around her little shoulders, " I asked Bella if she wanted to come to your party.."
She looked up at me smiling, " is she coming?"
I nodded, " she wants to meet you."
Andrea smiled, " I need to get a prettier dress!"
I grinned, " I'll take you to the mall tomorrow."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, just to let you guys know someone is going to die in here soon.
Comments please, and i'll dedicate a chapter to you. hehehe. <3