Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

She bit me.

For what ever reason, Bella wasn't at school on Monday, and nether was Seth. Usually when one of them missed school, so did the other, but it still didn't ease the feeling of worry in my stomach.
" Leo are you okay?" Sam asked poking me with a fly swatter.
I snatched it out of his hands and threw it in the corner, " I was just thinking."
" About Bella." George added fiddling with my guitar.
I nodded, " she was probably to tired to go to school, or she just didn't want to see your ugly face." Travis mumbled somewhere on the floor.
I growled, " at least I had a normal date, taking your date to the car wash isn't exactly fun." I reminded.
" Hey, it was excuse for me to get her wet." Travis muttered from the floor, " even though she threw a sponge at my junk."
" What junk? You smooth like a ken doll." Sam laughed.
And then they were at it, both of them rolling around on the floor yelling and punching. George merely looked at them for a few seconds, shrugged, and went back to messing with random things.
" Leon, they woke me up." Someone whined.
I looked up, Drea walked in holding an old teddy bear we had gotten her when she was one. The guys and I had finally been excited for my mom to have Andrea, that way we could all spoil her, like Sam did.
" I'm sorry Dray-dray," Sam cooed pulling away from Travis. He pulled her onto his lap making a small smile slid across her face, " how long were you watching us?"
She bit her lip, " long enough to know Leon is missing Bella."
I grinned as she pulled away and climbed up onto my bed, " I told you it's not nice to spy."
" I wasn't spying, I was just standing there listening." She answered as she slid underneath my blanket.
" That's the same thing," George started, " but then again we do it to you when your playing house." He grinned grabbing her shoulders and pulling her onto his lap.
She crossed her arms stubbornly, " I hate you."
George gasped, " no! I love you to much for you to hate me." He crushed her into a bear hug, her little face against his shoulder, I already knew what was going to happen, but it was always funny.
" SHE BIT ME!!" George screamed pulling away. Drea giggled and crawled onto my lap for safety.
" good job." I whispered into her ear.
She smiled, " thank you, am I in trouble?"
I shook my head, " just don't bite so hard, no one can know your a little vampire."
She giggled and started snapping at the air like a crazy puppy, the guys just laughed while George was looking at the already red mark.

Bella's POV:

" Hey, how come you two are here?" Quinn asked walking into the living room.
" We were to lazy to get up." Seth answered throwing a can of Pepsi at Quinn.
" Or did you not want to see Leon?" Quinn asked looking at me slowly.
" I did, my head hurt though, and Seth wouldn't wake up so we stayed home." I answered resting my head on his shoulder.
He laughed, " Mom didn't care?"
I shook my head, " she said as long as we get make-up work, plus Seth isn't failing any classes thanks to me this year."
Seth grinned, " it's not copying if you let me see your answers on purpose."
I giggled, " Bella, can I talk to you please?" My Dad asked from the doorway.
I nodded, " okay, let me get my blanket though, I'm freezing."
He nodded and stood there waiting for me to get my things together, I wrapped the blanket around myself and followed him out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, next few chapters ether one person will die, or two will....
Comments for next chapter...