Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

Andrea's party (2)

I smiled noticing the look on my Mom’s face, a mixture of joy, sadness, and love as she looked at Andrea. Drea smiled as wide as possible, happy at the fact this was the first birthday she could remember her Mom going to. Every year she took off on Andrea’s birthday leaving me to make sure the party went okay, I was used to it, but right now I liked having her around a lot better.
“ Drea, do you want me to pull up your hair?” Our Mom asked smiling gently.
Andrea looked at me un-sure what to do or say, “ go ahead.”
She smiled widely and instantly climbed into our Mom’s lap, and held out the two hair ties. She smiled and started to brush Drea’s hair back, and after a few seconds she had pulled up her hair into two little neat pigtails. Drea smiled and hurried over to me to make sure they were level.
“ Their perfect.” I said smiling.
She grinned, “ Drea, your little cousins are outside…do you want to go play with them?” My Mom asked cautiously.
Andrea stood still for a few seconds, ‘ yes!” She giggled and ran out of the kitchen and into the backyard where our family started telling her ‘happy birthday’
“ She got so big.” My Mom sighed walking over to the counter.
I nodded looking at Drea running around with our cousin Jackie, “ yeah…do you need help with anything?” I asked crossing my arms.
“ Hey Leo! We’re here to he-” Travis, Sam, and George stopped in their tracks and stared at my Mom in amazement, this was the first time they had ever seen her sober, in the kitchen, doing something for Andrea.
“ Sam? Oh look at how tall you’ve gotten!” She gushed.
Sam blushed, he used to be a friggin midget, and now he was almost as tall as me, “ thanks..you look really good.” He mumbled obviously uncomfortable.
She smiled weakly, “ Darling, I know I look like shit, no need to go all sweet on me.” The guys snickered, “ you boys get outside and say happy birthday to Andrea.”
The guys nodded and filed out of the room, “ I’ll be out in a bit.” I mumbled to George.
He nodded.
Just as they all walked out Andrea came running back inside, “ Leon, when’s she going to get here?” She whined.
I grinned, “ baby, I’ll go get you as soon as Bella gets here okay?” I kneeled in front her and kissed her little head.
She sighed, “ okay, but you better!” She warned.
“ I will, I promise!”
She giggled and ran out of the kitchen yelling for Sam to go play with her, I stood back up and found my Mother looking at me with amusement in her eyes. “ Who’s Bella?”
I grinned sheepishly, “ a girl…”
She grinned, “ the last time I ever remember you talking about a girl…was when you told me you hated them.” She laughed.
I grinned. “ I remember that….we better get outside before people think we’re fighting.”
She laughed, “ I agree, help me get the sodas though.”
I nodded and set off to help her out.


{ Calm down Bella, nothing can go wrong, and even if something does, what’s the worst that could happen?} My mind asked.
“ His family hates me, or I embarrass the hell out of myself.” I answered softly.
{ Well all you do then is pick your head up high, walk out of the party, and back home. It’s as simple as that, I don’t now why you getting so nervous over a boy..}
“ Okay, I’m right…just calm down and stop talking to yourself.” I mumbled.
I walked towards the house and frowned, I was so close to turning around and running like hell, but I had said yes to him earlier…and his little sister wanted to meet me on her birthday. I sighed and walked down the path to the entrance to the backyard, family was seated at all the tables laughing and talking, while kids were running around playing with each other.
“ MOMMY! JAKE THREW A WORM AT ME!” A little girl screamed running in front of me.
I followed her path for a few seconds and then started walking again, I noticed a few family members were looking at me funny, I smiled back at them making them smile in return.
“ Bella!” Someone yelled.
I turned around and was nearly tackled onto the ground, Sam stood there grinning proudly, “ hey! I didn’t know you were going to be here!” I laughed as he continued to squeeze me.
He grinned, “ yup, all the guys are here for Andrea. You look really pretty.” He said pulling away finally.
I grinned softly, “ thanks…where's Leon?”
He looked around and finally pointed behind me, I glanced over my shoulder to see all the guys sitting at a table laughing, Leon looked around and finally spotted where Sam had run off to, he shook his head looked away, and then it snapped back once he realized it was me.
“ Aw look at him run.” Sam teased as Leon stood up and hurried over.
“ Shut it.” Leon barked, “ hey Bella.” He mumbled looking at me for a few seconds..his eyes caught sight of the necklace he bought me around my neck.
“ Hi.” I muttered back.
“ Okay, well I’m going…over there!” Sam said pointing in a random direction and running off.
“ Oh, come with me, someone wants to meet you!” Leon instantly grabbed my hand and started to lead me towards all the kids. “ Drea!”
A little girl poked her head up from underneath the pile of wrestling boys, her little pigtails had been messed up, her little white dress also had a few smudges of dirt, but it looked like she didn’t even care. She caught sight of me and even faster than Leon she stood up and ran over to us.
“ Are you Bella?” She asked sticking her index finger in her mouth.
I nodded.
She giggled and turned to Leon, “ she’s pretty.”
Leon’s face turned bright red, “ yeah….now go play.”
She nodded, turned and looked at me, smiled and then ran back over to all the little boys.
“ She’s so cute, I actually thought she was going to be evil like you.” I grinned.
He smiled, “ come on, I’m cute sometimes!”
I giggled, “ yes you are.”
He smiled, " do you want to go sit?"
I shrugged, " sure."
He grinned, took my hand in his and started to walk back to his table, his friends merely smiled and continued to throw food at one another. Instead of sitting at the table with them, he kept pulling me until we were near one of the trees. I plopped down into the grass and smiled as he followed and tugged the beanie farther down on his head.
" I'm glad you came."
I smiled, " so am I, i was actually expecting myself to mess up or something."
He laughed, " if you do it's okay, everyone does at these things."
I smiled and kissed his cheek softly, " thanks."
He grinned and i could even tell he was blushing, " Bella...i want to ask you something.." He studdered.
" Go ahead.' i replied without hesistance.
He sighed, " willyoubemygirlfriend?" He mushed the words together.
I stared blankly at him for a few seconds, " hellz yea!"
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