Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

What the hell mom

I stood there glaring at my own Dad, the only thing he did for us was write letters, and call every once and a while. I didn't want him here, I didn't want him to confuse Andrea and make my Mother start drinking.
" Leon, you've grown." He said grinning at me.
I rolled my eyes, " duh, last time you saw me I was thirteen." I hissed.
" Leon, don't hiss at your Father." My Mom said as she walked through the doorway.
" Why shouldn't I?" I asked coldly, " the asshole leaves us, and now he just comes back?"
She sighed, " Leon come here and talk to me." She motioned for me to follow her into the kitchen.
I followed her, glancing over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure Andrea was still in the house.
" Okay, now please don't yell at me." She started, " but, I called your Father earlier...and told him about Andrea's party..and how I've stopped drinking, and how you've improved your grades.."
" Go on." I ordered.
" Well, he wants to see if there's nothing between us.." She muttered.
My eyes narrowed, " what the fuck mom?"
She looked at me, " Leon! Your Father wants to make the family whole again, why aren't you happy?"
" We don't need Dad to make us happy! Andrea and I would be happy just having you around!" I yelled not caring Andrea would be freaked out.
" Andrea and you deserve a good, whole family." She answered.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, " he fucking left you alone with the two of us, doesn't pay his child-support, made you start drinking.." I rubbed my eyes, " and your GOING TO TAKE HIM BACK?!"
She flinched, " I'm not taking him back, we're seeing if anything is going on between us still."
I glared at her, " whatever, I'm leaving."
She gasped, " where are you going?!" She demanded as i hurried out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
" To Sam's, or George's...somewhere other than here!" I yelled back.
" Leon...are you leaving me?" Andrea asked not hiding her little tears.
I shook my head, " no, I'm leaving them." I hissed glaring at my two parents.
" Leon plea-"
" Let him go Mandy. If he wants to run from his feelings like a child let him." My Dad snarled.
I growled, " YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Andrea let out a sob and looked at me, " YOU WEREN'T HERE TO TAKE CARE OF ANDREA! YOU WEREN'T HERE TO CARRY MY OWN MOTHER TO BED!" I yelled.
He glared at me, " get out of this house now. Now come on Mandy let's go get Andrea something to eat."
My Mom looked pleadingly at me before i turned back to them and walked up to my room. I could barely hear Andrea's quiet pleads for her to stay with me...and i didn't know why, but i had a horrible feeling about this dinner.
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