Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

I like this game.

I smiled as Leon drove as fast as possible from Sam’s house, I was pretty sure he wasn’t going past the speed limit, although anything could be possible with Leon. He started to laugh once he noticed I was giggling at how excited he looked, we hadn’t had a date alone since Andrea’s party due to the lovely drama. Plus school was going to be starting after tomorrow, yup Monday was school time again….not fun…
“ Be quiet Bella, you know your just as excited to have another date alone.” He laughed stopped at a red light.
I smiled innocently, “ I don’t know what your talking about Leon.”
He laughed softly, “ of course you don’t. So what do you want to do?” He asked turning to smile at me.
I shrugged and started to thumb through the CD’s on his dash board, “ I always pick what we go, you chose for once.”
He grinned evilly, and suddenly made the sharpest U-turn ever, I let out a loud scream, dug my nails into my seat and reminded myself non-stop to kick his ass as soon as we were out of the car. I was pretty sure if I did it right now, it would only make him swerve into on coming traffic, not exactly my idea of fun..

“ OW! What the hell was that for?” Leon whined rubbing his ass which I had just kicked, he pouted and continued to rub it like it was about to fall off, “ I didn’t do anything.”
I crossed my arms narrowing my eyes slowly, “ you nearly got us into a car crash.”
He bowed his head like a four year old who had been scolded for cutting his sister’s ponytail off…which Quinn did to me when I was five.. I sighed once I noted how cute he looked even though he was sulking, I don’t think I could ever stay mad at him, although a lot of people at school were pissed at him for being an asshole.
“ I’m sorry babe, it wont happen ever again.” He promised still not looking at me.
I sighed and walked closer, “ aw baby it’s okay.” I smiled.
He lifted his head up almost instantly, stuck his fingers through my belt loops and pulled me into the tightest hug he’s ever given me. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders hugging as hard as I could to.
“ It wont happen ever again, buut now can I have a kissy?” He asked with a cocky smirk plaster across his face. He even pushed out his bottom lip to make it look like he was doing nothing wrong.
I giggled, “ okay, but only because you asked!” I teased.
He grinned, leaned down slowly and pressed his lips to mine. I couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss as I felt the same bolt of shock travel through my body, the same I felt when we kissed each other’s cheek, held hands, hugged ,or even talked..but of course I would never admit that to him, or to anyone. Maybe my daughter if I have one when I’m older.
“ You know we’ve been dating for three weeks.” He breathed against my mouth when he finally pulled away.
I nodded unable to form words for a few seconds, “ I know, it kinda seems surreal.” I whispered.
His ands found mine and slowly laced his fingers with mine. I smiled as we walked into the park ignoring the looks we were getting from people we went to school with.
“ How does it feel surreal?” Leon asked as we continued to walk.
“ All the drama.” I answered softly, I wasn’t really sure how he would take me saying that. If he would yell at me and say I could have dumped him, or if he would just laugh…but I don’t think I could handle a fight between us right now…things were to perfect.
Much to my happiness he just laughed, “ yeah, but at least it helped bond us together.” He looked at me and grinned.
I smiled and started to pull him in the directions of the swings, I loved swings, they were…well swingy! “ That’s true.”
I sat down on the middle swing and smiled at him expecting him to just sit next to me, but he didn’t, “ you wanna know something?” He asked sitting in front of me in the sand smiling.
“ What?” I asked resting my head on the chains holding up the seat.
He took in a deep breath like he was nervous, “ you’ve met my family before,” I frowned confused about where he was going with this, “ and I have yet to meet yours.” He finished after a few moments of silence.
I bit onto my lower lip trying to hid the smile that was creeping it’s way onto my face, “ do you want to meet them?” I asked softly.
He nodded looking at me with hope and nerves written across his face, “ c-can I?” He stuttered.
I nodded and couldn’t help but laugh as he looked relieved, and then suddenly scared shitless. “ I guess you and Andrea should come by the house after two tomorrow.”
He grinned now and pumped his fist in the air, “ yay me!”
I smiled, “ now shut up and come push my swing.” I whined. I even stuck out my lip as far as possible hoping he would agree.
He smirked evilly, “ no.”
I pouted for real this time, “ pwease?”
He shook his head, “ no, I’ll never surrender to you!”
“ You will to.”
“ Nope.”
“ Yes.”
“ No.”
“ Yes.”
“ No.”
“ Yes!”
“ Ooh that’s it!” I giggled and threw myself off the swing and onto him. He let out a yell of shock as he fell backwards, my hands pinning his wrists above his head.
“ I like this game!”
I smiled widely, " well I love this game."
" Well, i love everything about you!"
♠ ♠ ♠
give me five comments...and i'll update....serious...