Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

Heart Beat.

“ I have a bad feeling Dad is going to be asking weird questions.” Quinn laughed as he walked into my bedroom and laid down.

I grimaced, “ don’t jinx me, that’s all I need is for him to scare Andrea or Leon away.” I whimpered at the idea of Leon yelling at me over something stupid my Dad said.

Quinn laughed, “ I was only playing Bell, god you need to relax much.”

“ You have no clue how stressed I am over this Quinn, what happens if Dad or Mom doesn’t like him?” I asked rubbing my eyes.

“ Well it’s not like they can ban him from your life, and if they do, well I’ll drive you over to Sam’s house.” He laughed.

I grinned, “ yay?”

He laughed and hugged my shoulders, “ don’t worry Bella. Everything will be fine.” And of course as soon as those words were out of his mouth, the doorbell rang, and my stomach lurched violently.

“ I’m really surprised my Dad didn’t ask any weird questions.” I laughed as I continued to stroke Drea’s hair. She had passed out earlier so we brought her up to my room to let her lay down.

Leon smiled, “ so was I, but it would have been funny to answer them and see you turning bright red.”

I hit his arm playfully, “ shut up, I wasn’t mean to you earlier Mr. Limp.”

He growled playfully and pulled me into a hug making me giggle, “ that hurts my feelings, and it hurt something else to.” He laughed into my neck.

I laughed, “ that’s not creepy at all.”

He laughed and rested his head on mine, “nope.”

I smiled and sat silent for a few seconds, listening tot he sound of his heart beating. I let out a yawn by accident which I quickly tried to cover, but none the less he had heard it.

“ Are you tired?”

I looked at him and nodded, “ I haven’t been sleeping so well.”

He frowned, “ well let me get Andrea and we can get out of here.” He said realeasing me.

I pouted making him laugh, “ but I don’t want you to leave me.” I whined like a child, like Andrea would if Sam or George was mean to her.

He laughed, “ I’ll see you at school tomorrow, and at the pep rally after school won’t I?”

I nodded and kissed him for a few seconds, “ I can’t wait to see you all peppy.”

He grimaced, “ never.say.that.again.”

I giggled and kissed him again, “ as you wish master.”

He laughed, “ now that I can get used to.”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay okay i know it's bad...
But i have really horrible writers block, i've written this chapter like five times...and i hated all of them....so comments would really help me out before i go insane and delete this from my profile.....
BTW: More drama soon.