Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

Football Games Broke My Heart.

I sat there tapping my fingers against my desk impatient to see the guys, the bell should have rang three minutes ago, but then again the school clocks were four minutes ahead. I was brought out of my daze by the annoying buzzing filling the school. I smiled, grabbed my bag, and nearly ran out of the classroom, I wanted to hurry up and meet the guys at the auditorium already.

“ About time.” Travis laughed tapping his imaginary watch.

I scoffed, “ sorry my class isn’t upstairs,” He laughed and hugged me, “ hey where’s Leon?”

“ He had to go do something for Mrs. McCord, don’t worry he’ll be here.” George grinned.

I frowned, “ okay…come on let’s go get a seat before we’re stuck sitting on the floor.”

They all laughed, Seth linked arms with mine and walked through the door like he was the gayest thing on earth, { no offense to anyone!}

I sat there with my head on Seth’s shoulder feeling slightly sad, Leon hadn’t shown up yet, and they were about to have the football team come in…which meant the pep rally was pretty much over and then it was the game. I sighed as the coach started talking about how undefeated we were, and how proud we should all be…his words not mine.

“ Okay, no everyone give it up for your Cougars!” Of course the crowd let out a scream, as did the guys who shrieked like girls for the hell of it. I giggled as George faked a faint and collapsed on Sam’s lap, Seth started to laugh so hard tears were streaming out of his eyes.

I laughed and looked at the football team and felt my jaw drop to the floor, there standing with all the jocks…was well you guessed it Leon. The guys stopped laughing once they realized what I was looking at, Leon looked up and smiled at me, and all I could do was stare at him in shock.

“ Okay, now all of you get your asses to the field and cheer us on!” The coach yelled.

Everyone began to file out, while I sat there still in shock, Leon was waiting for us looking at me with a frown on his face. Sam eventually grabbed me by the arms and literally carried me down the stairs, he laughed as he palced me in front of Leon who looked funny in the blue and black uniform.

“ So that’s what you’ve been doing after school on Tuesdays and Thursday.” Seth laughed.

Leon nodded, “ do you like it?” He asked hugging me.

I shrugged, “ I’m not sure what to say actually.”

He laughed, “ figured…anyway I really have to go…will you guys stay and watch?” He asked resting his forehead against mine.

I nodded, “ of course..” Even though I didn’t feel like watching my boyfriend be tackled, he was still the same Leon…only he was changing and taking showers with guys…hehe.

Halfway through the game it was tied, Leon actually hadn’t been tackled so much, but there were a few times that made us groan. But he would get up and walk away like nothing, which Sam was mumbling something about him not being a ‘guy’ anymore…

“ Bella, you okay?” George asked nudging my shoulder.

I nodded, “ just kinda cold.” I answered with a smile.

Seth looked at me, “ you want my jacket?”

I shook my head, “ nah, I’ll be right back I’m going to get something to drink.”

They all nodded and watched as I walked away from the area of the bleachers we were sitting at. Some of the football team was talking to friends waiting for halftime to end, while others were still in the locker room. And of course the infamous cheerleaders were doing various splits and cartwheels.

Of course one of them caught my eye the most, she had to be a new girl, I had never seen her around school and every boy was looking at her like she was fresh meat. I frowned once I saw her stop doing the cheer and walk over to a crowd of boys. I glared at her, platinum blonde hair, tan skin, every damn boy staring at her legs and cleavage…I never once felt so nervous about myself than right now.

I shook my head and walked over to one of the tables that had few water bottles for everyone. I grabbed one and decided to walk around a bit, I was rarely near the football field, so I wanted to explore naturally. I sighed and twisted off the cap and started to walk. A few couples had ignored the game and were doing various ‘dirty’ things underneath the bleachers with no shame.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk, a few people where leaving, while two buses waited to take the other school’s players back. I sighed and leaned against the light pole above me, I stared up into the light amused by a bug who was attempting to ram into the light bulb, only to hit it with a small TINK.

I finally heard the intercom saying there was only five minutes left, I sighed and decided to walk back to the guys…I didn’t really want them to come looking for me and stumble upon a poor innocent couple. I started to walk back when two dark figures caught my sight, they were near one of the oak trees holding each other. For some odd reason both of them looked vaguely familiar.

I let out a shaky breath as I walked closer, one of them was definitely a cheerleader, and a football player, I didn’t know why iw as spying, but something was telling me to get closer. Soon enough I realized that both of them were kissing each other, or more so the girl was in control at the moment. It literally only took me a second to realize who the guy was.

“ Leon?” My voice was shaking, along with my bottom lip.

His head snapped towards me, an expression of sorrow and regret etched on his face, “ oh god Bella.” He started to walk towards me when the lovely cheerleader stepped in front of him.

“ Get lost already, didn’t you know he was cheating on you since the day his Mom died? The only reason he stayed with you was to get into your pants.” She hissed. I recognized her now, the same blonde cheerleader from earlier.

I looked at him and before the words clicked I hissed, “ I hate you.”

His face suddenly twisted with pain, but I shook it off, turned around and started to run. He had lied, tried to use me, and I was stupid enough to believe him…just like all the guys I dated he wanted to use me…that’s all I’d ever be..

I was barely inside my house when both my Mother, Father and Quinn looked at me, “ Bella.”

“ LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” I screamed. All of them looked at in shock as I ran up the stairs into my room slamming and locking the door, “he used me..” I whimpered into my arms.
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