Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

Flying gummybears and pizza

Okay first of all this is dedicated to Kiss The Girl and Lynx! you two were the firsst to comment! YAY!

Back to Bella

" Jelly Belly, are you okay?" Seth asked noticing how jumpy I had gotten. To be honest I liked the kiss...but then his friend, what he yelled..did he just do it on a dare?
" I'm fine." Finally finding my own voice.
" I hope you are, I dont want an emo friend!" He said throwing a gummy bear at my face. It hit between my eyes and then rolled onto my lap.
" You know my brother would kill me." I laughed, " and then my Mother, and Father."
He laughed and continued to speed up, this is why i hated riding on the highways with him, he always thought he was racing. " What happened in Borders?"
" Nothing."
" Lier."
" Am not."
" Are to."
" Am not. And that's the end of this." I said sticking out my tongue.
He shook his head, " your such a child some times."
" Then you wouldn't love me, and I'd be this lonely metal head in the back of the class." i said trying to raised my voice like a whine.
" Dont whine, it'll crack my windsheild."
I rolled my eyes as he finally pulled off the highway and onto the less busier streets of surberbia (spell check!)" Does your Dad know your going to sleep over?" I asked.
He nodded, " he already knew I was going to, do your parents mind?"
I shook my head, " we've been friends for awhile now, they wouldn't care if you walked in on them doing the deed."
He laughed, " do they still?"
I shuddered, " I dont want to think about it...."

" Mom! Dad!? I'm home." I yelled dropping the shopping bags onto the floor.
" No need to yell, we're in the kitchen," My Father called back, " I take it Seth is with you?"
" Hell yeah!" Seth yelled walking infront of me.
Both parents sat at the table reading the same magazine, which was only slightly odd. " What's the plan for tonight?" She asked eyeing Seth who was already in the fridge.
" Watching movies, eating popcorn, the usual." Someone asnwered for me.
" Thank to Quinn."
My Brother shrugged, same old Quinn, two years older { twenty for those who are bad at math...like me!} same messy black hair, pale skin, same dark blue eyes as me. basically a younger version of my Father.
" No problem. I take it i'm allowed to watch the movies with you?" He asked taking a piece of cold pizza from Seth.
I nodded taking one also, " obviously, it wouldn't be fun if you weren't there commenting."
He grinned, " thanks I know I'm awesome."
" Darling you tell us that everyday, but we never see it." My Mom chirped.
I giggled, " are you guys joining us?" I asked smiling at my Dad who was trying not to laugh at the previous insult.
" We'd love to, but we've got to go help some spoiled couple pick out a venue for their wedding." My Father answered plastering a fake smile on his face.
I laughed, " poor poor parents." I chimed finally walking out with Seth who had a total of three pieces of pizza in his hands. God that boy could eat...and it just went no where!
" Okay what movie first?" I asked jumping in place.
" I vote Saw." Quinn grinned sitting on the sofa.
" I second it!" Seth grinned.
I smiled, " okay movie time!"
" I'll be right back!" Quinn suddenly stood up and hurried up the stairs, falling a total of three times.
" He's just as clumsy as you." I heard my Mom giggle from the kitchen.
" You helped make him." My Father asnwered.
" WE CAN HEAR YOU!" Seth yelled.
Both of them were quiet, " thanks." i laughed.
Quinn finally came back holding my pillow, an extra for Seth, and his. " We'll be in here all night!"
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Hehe i like this one!