Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

I Love You

I couldn’t have been happier as I laid there letting the sun warm up my cheeks. All of us were piled into George’s Hummer at the moment, off to L.A to start up the shop. We were forced to stay in town an extra two weeks to watch Leon’s trail, two years in jail, which to me felt ok I guess. It had also taken our Mom almost an hour to stop crying long enough to give us hugs good-bye, and we even swore we’d come back to visit as much as possible.

“ Babe, you okay?” Seth mumbled kissing my shoulder.

I looked at him with a smile, “ just thinking.”

He nodded looking at me, “ maybe you should get some sleep, we’ve still got half an hour left, and I know you couldn’t sleep for shit last night.”

I shook my head, “ I’m fine.” I leaned over to rest my head on his shoulder, “ what time is it?”

“ About twelve.” Sam answered from the front, “ which CD people?”

“ Put in Senses Fail.” Quinn yelled from the back, he and Travis were talking about something important. Since both of them hadn’t said one retarded thing all day.

“ Hey Quinn, what are we doing when we get there?” George asked drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. I was still waiting for the Hummer to spin out of control from him getting distracted from something.

“ Unpack, and head out to the shop.”

“ You guys found a location?” I asked turning back to smile.

He nodded, “ the guys should already be there setting up.” Travis looked at him confused, “ my friends.”

“ By the way, where’s the house at?” I asked looking at Seth now.

“ About three blocks from the shop, and right on the beach.” He smiled proudly, “ I did good.”

I giggled, “ yes you did.” I pecked him quickly knowing that Quinn would most likely make a gagging noise, he never really liked seeing Seth and I kiss.

“ Never do that in front of me.” Quinn muttered underneath his breath.

I giggled, “ sorry Bro.”

“ Okay, here we are!” George yelled pulling up at the curb. The house looked like anything you’d see near the beach, white on the outside, a deck with a few little chairs, a chain link fence with a small gate. And quiet a few windows to let in the sun, which no doubt we’d all cover up.

“ Do you like it?” Seth asked opening the door and helping me out.

I nodded, “ it’s so cute. You did really good.” I smiled.

He grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. And led me into the house, it looked exactly the way I thought it would, hard wood floors, pale green walls, a stair case leading up to the bedrooms. The kitchen was big enough for all the guys to fit in there without squishing me when I cooked for them, and the living room already had all their techy stuff up.

“ Okay, let’s go chose our rooms.” Quinn said dragging me away from Seth who pouted.

“ But me and Seth are sharing a room…” I trailed out holding out my hand for Seth.

“ I know, but I want you to pick out the room.” Quinn answered.

I looked at him confused, “ why?”

“ Because you’re a girl, and girls like their rooms being cute or whatever…” Seth laughed walking into the kitchen.

I laughed and followed up the stairs with Quinn, “ how come you didn’t leave with the guys?” I asked walking down the hall.

“ They went to get food, as soon as I get my room picked out I’m heading over to the shop.” He answered smiling at me, “ I guess only Danny is going to help out, the others have to finish school first.”

I nodded, “ I like Danny…he’s not a pervert.”

Quinn laughed, “ yeah, he’s excited to see you again. You were shorter and chubbier the last time he did.”

I crossed my arms, “ don’t remind me.”

He laughed, “ but you looked so cute all chubby! And Seth even liked you then, so if you get huge he’ll still be with you!”

I hit his arm, “ that’s not funny.”

He laughed, " I was just kidding...take it easy Bella."

I smiled, " okay sure you were." He smirked before I walked into one of the bedrooms, there was a nice view of the board walk, the local shops, and a pretty view of the beach. The closet was big enough for both Seth and my clothes.

" I take it this is our room?" Seth asked walking in with one of my boxes.

I nodded, " it's nice right?"

He nodded, " yup yup."

I giggled as he set down the box and threw himself on his bed..how I didn't see it before was unknown to me. " Your tired aren't you?"

He nodded closing his eyes, " come take a nap with me.."

" Okay.." I walked over to the bed and threw myself into the spot next to him.

He smiled, " I could get used to this..."

I smiled, " get used to what?"

" Seeing you when I wake up." He answered opening his eyes now.

I smiled, " your cheesy."

He grinned, " but you love it."

I laughed and cuddled up to him, " okay I admit I do love it."

He grinned wider and wrapped his arms around me, " I love you Bella."

I smiled, " I love you too Sethy."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, if i get five comments i'll put up another chapter and start the sequel..

I'm so sad this is coming to an end...