Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

We went to Candy Mountain.


I stared at him for a few moments, I could be a total b*tch and say no, or I could say yes...
" Okay."
He looked at me with shock, " a-are you serious?"
I nodded, " buut if your friends tag along then I'll leave...and if you try anything, you will no longer have a penis."
He nodded, " okay..Um I guess I'll pick you up at five tomorrow?"
I nodded, " okay..I really should get back to Seth." I smiled as wide as possible and hurried away before I did something else that would shock me. I didn’t really feel like having a heart attack from my own actions...{haha that'd be cool..}

“ Ooh, what happened?” Seth asked once I got back to the table.
“ Nothing, we talked.” I lied sipping my Coke.
His eyes narrowed, “ then why were you smiling so big…and why is he smiling so big?”
I shrugged, “ we went to Candy Mountain?”
“ Lies. You wouldn’t go without me.”
I sighed, “ your not going to drop this are you?”
He shook his head, “ nope, not even food could distract me…speaking of which I want our food…I’m starving.” He whined.
I sighed and slid deeper into the booth, “ if I tell you will you promise not to slap me?”
He raised an eyebrow, “ I promise. NOW SPILL!”
“ Shut up.” I hissed noticing a few people were watching, “ I have a date with him tomorrow.”
His jaw dropped and his eyes bugged, “ y-you? Him? Date?”
I nodded.
“ HAHA! I knew it! You like him, otherwise you would have turned him down. Ooh I can just see everyone at school pissing their pants!”
“ No one at school is going to know! And if you even think of telling them, Quinn will torture you for the rest of your live!” I hissed.
He looked at me, “ fine. But their going to find out one way or another, news travels really fast around town.”
I sighed, “ your making me want to cancel.”
“ No, you finally agreed to give the guy a chance, he’s probably happy as hell. Speaking of which, aren’t you happy about it?”
I opened my mouth to speak, but our food finally got here. Although the look on Seth’s face told me he still hadn’t finished with this conversation, which meant more torture for me.
“ Yes I am,” I answered sticking a fry in my mouth, “ I just don’t know what to expect that’s all.”
Seth nodded, “ I see…well what’s the worst that could happen?”
I shrugged, “ he turns out to be a player, and I get hurt.”
“ True..but you’ve got your brother to bet him up, and my shoulder for you to cry on. That and your Father would most likely help Quinn beat his ass.”
I laughed, “ I can actually picture that.”
He grinned, closed his eyes and a few seconds later burst out in laughter, “ oh my god…your dad just went ninja on him.”
I smiled, “ what would I ever do without you?”
He shrugged, “ you’d slide into a deep dark depression…oh that reminds me, my Mom said their coming over for dinner at your house later.”
“ Your telling me why? You should have told my Mom, now she’s going to be all panicky and start cleaning everything.” I winced.
“ And your house is going to smell oranges!” He grinned.
I laughed, “ yay me.”

" I wouldn't go in there." Quinn warned from the living room.
I stopped, " why?"
" She's cleaning the floor, I went in for water and she threw a rag at me." He answered looking up from his book, " where's Seth?"
" He had to go home and change." I answered sitting next to him.
Quinn nodded returning to his reading, " he better not have gotten my clothes dirty."
I smiled, " he didn't...Quinn can I ask you something?"
He looked at me concerned, " what?"
" Um, I need your help with some-"
" Your not pregnant are you?" He asked sounding pissed.
I laughed, " um no. And if I was, I would tell Mom, not you."
He sighed, " okay, then what is it?"
" How do you know if a guy's using you?"
He looked at me, almost like I was insane..
Yup Leon had me this worried, I didn’t want to be used, I wasn't sure how to handle it. So I thought big brother could help, hopefully he wont ask what's going on...
♠ ♠ ♠
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