Okay I hate you and you secretly love me

The date (2)

" Okay, where do you want to sit?" Leon asked as we walked into the already dark movie theater. We had spent five minutes arguing over gummy bears and gummy worms, in the end i got my gummy bears, and he got his gummy worms.
" Um, in the back." I answered smiling.
He nodded, grabbed my wrist and started to led me up the stairs, most of the rows were filled with people, while the very last row was empty. I never understood why people didn't like that row, you got a good veiw of the screen, and you could spy on other people.
" I'm actually surprised my friends didn't follow me here." Leon mumbled looking around.
" Did they know about the date?" I asked slumping into my seat like usual.
He nodded and watched me, " they kinda guessed since i had this huge smile on my face." He laughed, " what did Seth say about it?"
I laughed, " I'm surprised you didn't hear him, he was practically pissing himself from shock."
He grimaced and bit into a gummyworm, " thanks for the mental image."
I smiled, " your welcome. Now be quiet the movie's starting." I ordered.
He grinned and mumbled something that sounded like " okay your majesty."

Halfway through the movie i was bored, I liked it but then again I always got distracted easily. So being the weird teen I was I started throwing gummy bears at people, first it was Leon who just laughed and threw the worms back at me. Then it finally made it to people in the rows infront of us.
" You know your getting him pissed." Leon whispered pointing to the boy whom i was busy throwing things at right now. He turned around and instantly acted like I was watching the movie. His date turned to him and she instantly tried to calm him down, but it was to funny to resist throwing more.
" Oh don't be such a baby." I giggled.
Leon scoffed, " I'm not being a baby, it's just going to be hard not to laugh when he gets up and leaves his date."
I smirked, " good for her, he keeps hitting on her."
" How do you know she doesn't like it?" Leon asked staring at me.
" She kept rolling her eyes, and inched away whenever he tried putting his arm around her." I answered nodding towards her.
" Well maybe she doesn't like PDA."
" True...but shut up."
He laughed, " your meaan." He whined.
I smiled, " you know you like it."
He grinned, " of course I do." I smiled proudly, " now behave and watch the movie."
I scowled and pouted like a five year old.

" So did you have fun?" Leon asked walking up to my front porch with me.
I nodded, " shockingly."
He laughed, " you act like I'd try to rape you on a date or something."
I shrugged, " well I dont know you well...all we did was throw food around a movie theater."
He laughed and leaned against the railing of my porch, " I guess, okay then can I have a date on Tuesday?" He looked at me for a few seconds before adding, " it's for my little sister's fifth birthday. She kinda knows I like you so she told me to ask you."
I laughed, " I'd love to go, I wanna see if your sister can control you."
He grinned, " she's the most cutest evil girl ever."
I giggled, " I'm sure, I guess I'll see you Monday."
He nodded, took my hand in his and brought my knuckles up to his lips. He kissed them for a few seconds before walking down the pathway and to his truck. He waved by and turned on the ignition and drove down the street.
" OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!" My Mom screamed as i barely walked through the door.
" Get your ass over here and tell us!" Seth grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the lack of updates...ima put another chapter up tonight about Leon's family life.
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