Forever Came a Little Too Quickly

Cast. People you should know!

Destinee Brooklyn
Age: 14
D.O.B.: June 16, 1994
Description: Destinee is Shiloh and Clea's sister. She's really smart and clever. She's fun to be with and she loves to play the guitar.

Shiloh Brooklyn
Age: 17
D.O.B.: April 19, 1991
Description: She's really fun to be with but she's quiet. She looks soo quiet but if you get to know her she babbles a lot!

Clea Brooklyn
Age: 20
D.O.B.: January 9, 1988
Description: She's really deep and romantic [woot! just like kev?]. But she's fun to be with at times. Can get grumpy too.

You know who they are. ;)

You know who they are too, right? :D

This picture is soo cute! :D Okay, you know her.

Michelle White
Age: 20
D.O.B.: May 12, 1988
Description: She turns Miley bad. But Destinee helps Miley and Michelle be better.. so.. she's baddd! LOL.

Canelle Davis
Age: 15
D.O.B.: September 10, 1993
Description: She's Destinee's best friends since bottle days. [lol] She loves hanging out in the mall. She's funny. She secretly likes Travis.

Travis White
Age: 17
D.O.B.: December 23, 1991
Description: He's Michelle's brother. But completely opposite! He studies at the same school with Canelle and Destinee. He likes Canelle.

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Yeah, I hope you'll stay tuned! I do not own any of the celebrities here.. :D SORRY IF THE PICTURES ARE TOO BIG! lol. LOL. Yeah, so sorry!