Dream Another Sunset With You.



"I don't wanna do this anymore! You're such an ass, now!" Jamie said walking away from her current best friend.
"What are you talking about?! I haven't changed!" Joe yelled.

Since the beginning of time, or, the beginning of Joe's mother, and Jamie's mothers birthing classes, there has been a Joe and Jamie friendship. They have been friends for all nineteen years of their life. Not fighting often, and when they did, it was small and ended fast.

"Haven't changed!?" Jamie yelled as she stopped and turned to him, and began to walk towards him again.

"You have SOO fucking changed! All you do is make people do shit for you! And DEMAND the best of everything, you're not Joey anymore. You're the big shot Joe Jonas, the, kiss my feet pronto before I fucking have your name ruined so fast it'll make your head spin!" She yelled standing right in front of him.

"What are you talking about? All I said was get me a water?" Joe said calmly, not seeing the error of his ways.
"EXACTLY! I'm not one of your assistants, who you can just tell me to do something and I'll do it without another word. You boss me around, and take me for granted, I feel like I don't even know you anymore! All you ever do is tell me to do something!" Jamie yelled standing on her tippy toes getting in his face.

"I know what you told Emma to do for you. She told me." She said softly, but making it known that she wasn't playing around. Joe laughed bitterly.
"She's a slut, I was horny." Jamie shook her head.

"You disgust me. You aren't who you used to be. Not at all" Jamie said softly.
"When Joey, my best friend, comes back, the one who doesn't ask girls for head, and get pissed when they say no, when he comes back. Give me a call. Until then, I don't want anything to do with you." Jamie said softly, her heart breaking at the sound of her own words, and Joe's heart breaking because he loved her, and because he let everything go to his head.

That was three years ago. Three years ago today actually. August seventeenth is the date, the date of Jamie's Birthday and the the date of the day she walked out of Joseph Adam Jonas' life, forever. Or so that's what she had hoped, boy was she wrong.

Jamie woke up, and stepped out of her bed walking to her front door and out to get the mail. She reached in the mailbox and pulled out a number of birthday cards along with a large envelope, one that didn't really look like a birthday car with no return address on it. She stared at the envelope, knowing that the handwriting was familiar, yet different.

She walked in throwing all the mail on the table by the door, except the piece she was drawn to. Jamie walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, ripping the letter open and unfolding the neatly folded pieces of paper. She scanned over the letters and then finally began to read it.

I'd like to start by saying, Happy Birthday! You're twenty three! As am I. I've sat down and written you a letter a thousand times, I cant ever get one right. My plan with this one is to write it and send it, no matter how terrible it is. What I say in this, just means so much. It's actually something that should have been said a long time ago. I'm just, I need you. I need you back in my life. I know I hurt you. It was wrong of me to be the way I was and treat you the way I did."

Jamie stopped reading for a second to think about all the boyfriends she had had and how at least two of them, screwed up. She considered stopping reading right then and there, but decided against it and continued.

"I've screwed up in the past, plenty of times. But I think letting you walk away that day was by far the biggest fuck up of my life. Ever since that day, I realized that you were one of the only things that kept me going. Now, I don't do much. I stay at home any chance I get. Everything that comes from my mouth is smart ass and rude, not that it really wasn't before. But those times I was joking, now I mean it. I've been dreaming about you a lot. About some of the things we used to do, and things we always said we'd do, and I always tried to go and do one of those things, but I just can't, because I want to do them with you."

Jamie teared up a little, she didn't know who this letter was from, and she knew she had told a bunch of her friends and past boyfriends that they would do something together, and never following through. She kept reading.

"I let things get out of control, Jamie. It wasn't intentional, at all. In fact, as soon as you walked away, I realized what I was doing, and tried to change as fast as I could. I promised myself, I wouldn't contact you, until I had changed, because letting you down is the worst feeling in the world. Letting you down, breaks my heart. It made the days longer, and the nights even longer, it made everything seem so worthless, and unnecessary. I fake my smile half the time, and the last time I was truly happy, was the last day I was with you."

Jamie sighed softly, finishing the first page and a half of the letter. She continued to read, only to find that there was a half a page full of this person pouring out their feelings, saying how sorry they were. How their life changed drastically when she left, and how this person wanted her back in their life. She was ready to rip the letter to shreds when she flipped to the last page. She saw a return address. Only a return address, with a name that was unfamiliar. Jerry Adam. "Jerry Adam?" She asked herself, she shrugged and read the last few words on the page.

"Please write back. I need to know you're okay. I miss you.
Sincerely. Jerry Adam."

She sat the letter down, not knowing what to do next. Not knowing whether she was in fact writing this Jerry Adam character back. She just sat there, on the couch, staring at the letter, before picking up her pen and writing this familiar stranger back.
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Okay so.
This is a one-shot.
Unless you guys want more?
Let me know. leave me lotsa comments!
Love you guys!