Dream Another Sunset With You.


Dear Jerry.

I know its been almost two weeks since we've written each other, and I can't even begin to tell you all of the things I've been doing. This week has been a long one, I feel like everything I have been doing has been covered by a fog and I cant seem to make out what was going on. I know that its just me blocking everything I don't want to hear or see out and not paying much attention to anything.

For example, today I was opening a package, from some relatives for Christmas, and I sliced three of my fingers on my right hand opened. I swear I bled for at least four hours, then I wrapped them, and its impossible for you to do anything when the tips of your fingers are covered in band-aids. Just, how do they expect you to work with those things? They need to make a more effective, and versatile blood catching device. They could possibly make custom ones with your name or favorite band on them..Just shooting out idea's here. :]

I will say this, things have been a little better. I'm learning to cope with the recent loss, and I'm actually handling it well. I admit that I have the moments when I think about him or hear something and I break down and cry. But I think thats normal for anyone to do, right?

I mean I would imagine everyone has those moments that just tear you to pieces and then the rest of the day you curl up on the couch, wrapping yourself in about ten different blankets and put in the most depressing movie, as you eat your weight in chocolate marshmallow ice cream as you cry. Then, when the movies done and over, you end up falling asleep, right there on the couch, unconscious and numb from the world and feelings, until you wake the next morning to face the true harsh reality. Hes not coming back.

The things you said to me, helped a lot, they made me open my eyes and see what I was missing, maybe you're right, maybe he did help someone and maybe God wanted him back. And maybe, hes happy.

Also, I would love to meet up with you. I would be so down with that it's not even real. Because you are so close to my heart now and I cant even stand being so far away from you. :]

Thank you so incredibly much.

Love, Jamie.

P.S. :] You always make me smile, even when I don't want to.


Dear Jamie.

I still am just shocked that this is happened. I am so very sorry for all that you are going though, I cant even believe it, still. I read the letter and know its true, yet its so hard to believe. But I can only imagine what you are going through Jamie, and just thinking about all the pain and suffering you are experiencing, breaks my heart.

Ouch! Be careful, I really would like to shake your hand when we meet, but if you don't have all your fingers, I might be too creeped out to shake it. :]
So, again, be careful and watch what you're doing. It honestly pays off.

The idea of a more effective and versatile band-aid device is nice, but what else IS there? I mean, they've made the simplest thing they could, I usually just super glue my cuts, because it keeps it from getting stuck on things, and hurting so bad, plus, it makes things heal nicely. I know, call me a freak. I get it a lot for doing that.

Yeah, Jamie, crying is normal, its still all so fresh in your mind and hes still fresh in your heart and you miss him. Its very understandable. Nothing abnormal about that. I promise.

I hate that you are going through so much, Jamie. Honestly, I cant even find a way to express how sorry I am. I think you should find things to occupy your time, but don't ever forget him, he wouldn't want that. He would want you to just think about all the good times you guys had together.

I'm always glad to help you.

AND! YAY! That actually makes me so happy, because I cant wait to see you! Lets hope you feel the same way when you see me and my family.

You're welcome.

I miss you,

P.S. It always makes me happy to bring a smile to your face. :]
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long for this update.
And I know I haven't replied to many comments/messages.
I'm busy.
Thank you guys so much for all the love!


P.S. Leave me some comments :]