Dream Another Sunset With You.


Dear Jerry,

I'm healing, it's not as fresh and I wake up everyday knowing that it all happened for a reason, which to me, is a good way to look at things. I am starting be okay and beginning to realize my place in this world and know he filled his place and accomplished his goal, and now God wanted him back. Which is understandable, he was outstanding.

Honestly, super glue? I had a friend who did that once..He used to get a lot of jokes about it too. Hmm. Maybe because its a little, well, a lot, weird? Just sayin'. :]

I've realized that now. I'm hurting, and trying to heal. Its all working out.

I know that you are sorry, its not your fault he isn't here anymore. Its no ones fault. It was just fate. And, I have found LOTS of things to do these past few days, I've looked at old pictures of me and Joe and his brothers. I will say that trip down memory lane was very nice. I felt peace.

I think I'll always miss the Jonas family, they were like my second family, their home was my second home, and Joe's arms..Joe's arms where my safe place. I never was scared when he held on tight to me. I knew I was safe with him, and when he promised that I'd be alright, I always believed him. He kept me safe, and warm. Kinda like a blanket, only ten times better.

I'm really stoked to see you, and your family. I'm sure they are wonderful just like you. Only a couple more days and I get to head out and see you! If i wasn't trying to write this as nice as possible, I'd be jumping up and down at this moment. :]

I miss you too.


P.S. Smooth talker. ;]


Dear Jamie.

It's nice to hear you are doing well. I'm really happy for you, that you are slowly but surely healing, hopefully when you see me, healing will be done, and you will be happy. Because I wanna see your smile.

Oh! And about the meeting thing, um, I had an idea of us meeting really close to the stage, where the performers are going to be on. I say about fifteen minutes before midnight, like right directly in the center, just try and get there early cause we both know it will be hell. So maybe we will meet before then, but something tells me its not going to be until a few minutes before midnight.

I can't wait to see your beautiful face.

See, I'm not the ONLY one who uses super glue. But its simpler, and you don't have to rip it off. Which I always hated. Because it attaches to the little hairs on your skin and just rips them out in the most unpleasant way. And its hard to act like a man wen there's many hairs being ripped from their places.

So, The All-American Rejects new CD has been playing constantly through my headphones, and house. My brother and I are always rocking out to it. Such a good CD, if you haven't heard it, I recommend you buy it and put that baby on your ipod, for your flight. You will fall in love, guaranteed. 'Mona Lisa', is probably my favorite off of it, and I think my brother is loving 'Fallin' Apart'. Quote from the song is 'Where ever you go, I'm crawlin'. Either way you're breaking my heart. Where ever you go, I'm crawlin', even when we're fallin', even when we're fallin' apart.'

I have to say that this whole CD is absolutely outstanding.

This is a little off topic, but Anna will be joining us in New York. So you will get to meet her. I cannot think of anything that would be better than my girlfriend, and one of my best friends meeting! Maybe you guys will become best friends! That would be really cool, just sayin'.

Anyways, I have to go and clean up the living room. My brother decided it was an amazing idea to throw a party last night and crash on the couch, and he still hasn't risen from his spot. Gotta wake his lazy ass up! ha ha, this should be fun. Catch the sarcasm lacing that? Good.

He's not a 'morning' person, even though its almost one. Here goes nothing.

Also, before I go, I'd like to add an awe times infinity. What you said about Joe and being in his arms. Thats incredibly cute, and I do hope that sooner than you think, his arms will be around you again. Thats my wish, for you. I wish for you to have him. :] Because you deserve him, more than anyone.


P.S.You know it.;]
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I know its been a while, I was having a bit of trouble updating this one!
ha ha
But I got it down.
Thanks for reading.
AND being amazing.
This one will be ending soon, sadly.
Love you guys.