Dream Another Sunset With You.


Dear Jerry.
I will start off by saying. YAY! I have finished packing, and as soon as I finish this letter I will be putting it in the mail as I head to the airport. I am really excited to see you. Hopefully this gets to you in time. Which is why I'm trying to write as quick as possible.

So if this is messy, I'm sorry.
As for the CD, I would have to agree. It is amazing. I did what you said and I plan on listening to it during my flight. it should be fun.

I don't want to make this letter too long cause Ive got to be out of here by three.

So this one will be short and I sweet I think.
Fallin' Apart is probably my favorite one too! That's so cool.
I cannot wait to meet Anna. And if shes anything like you say, she and I will get along so great. So maybe that dream could come true. We could be best friends. ha ha.
Also, The idea of meeting there, is a very good one. So before midnight I will meet you there.

Wow, make me blush why dont you.

To be honest, I don't think about it that much anymore. Because hes in a better place and I know that. So its really good for me to see.

I wish for me to have him too. ha ha, thats so selfish. But I love him. I always have and I always will.

I am going to end this now cause I have to, unless i wanna miss my flight.

If you need to get in touch with me. Just call or text me.

(201) 332-8764


P.S. I'm so excited!
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay okay I know this was so incredibly short.
But this is the last chapter.
Next ones the epilogue.
And you guys will find out all the things you have been wondering, okay?
Hope you've loved this story as much as Ive loved writing it.
Thanks for the support!
And please leave comments <3