Dream Another Sunset With You.



Dear Familiar Stranger,
Or Jerry Adam.

Your name doesn't really ring a bell. Sorry. Maybe if you sent a picture, or told me a little bit more about you, then I could remember. But as of right now, I just don't know who you are.

This is so strange. And I'm wondering if I should actually be writing this letter. Because, for all I know, you are a serial killer, whom I am signing my life away to right now, by writing this. Or, maybe you are some old boyfriend who wants to get back at me, or get back together.

Then, there's that part of me thats saying, this is someone you wanna talk to, and you need this person, although you, would never say. I don't know, but I'm guessing this is going to be sort of like a pen pal, seeing as the return address is in Texas, and I'm here in Wyckoff.

So, maybe I should start out by asking if you have siblings? And if so how many? Also, what do you do for a living, I know that you said you were also twenty-three, so I'm guessing you already have a job, or, career. And if you don't then don't bother replying to this if you are trying to get back with me. I don't want a dead beat boyfriend, or potential husband, it just wont work out.

I am currently watching 'Tom & Jerry', I remember, when I was a kid, me and my absolute best friend in the entire world, would watch this every morning, you'd think after all these years, they'd either take it off the air, or something. But they haven't, which actually makes me incredibly happy. Because this never gets old. I wonder if he feels the same way..

Anyways, enough about that, I have some more questions to ask. Are you married? Because that goes right back to, if you're trying to get back with me, it wont work. I am not a home wrecker. I won't go for that.

What part of Texas do you live in? And I think this is my last question, because I have to go and get ready for my party tonight. Why did you contact me? And why did we lose contact in the first place? Was it me? If it was, I'm sorry.

Just so you know, I'm gonna be anticipating your return letter.

Jamie Underwood.

P.S. Are you cute? ha HA!


Dear, Jamie Underwood.

Oh how I thought I'd never get this letter. And the fact that you took the time to send this to me, makes me so happy. The reason my name isn't familiar is for reasons that you don't need to know about right at this second. It's crazy, but I want it to work, because I want you in my life. It just isn't the same. It's probably wrong to say this, but it seems as if, life isn't worth living without you.

I'm not a serial killer, nor am I an old boyfriend. I am an old friend, who loves you, and misses your friendship dearly. I don't know if you actually would wanna talk to me, I was horrible to you, and everyone around me. But I promise I have changed.

I do believe you are correct Ms. Underwood, this will be as if we were pen pals. So, I will answer those questions.

Yes, I do have siblings, three, I'm the second oldest with two baby brothers and an older one. Clearly the whole, older brothers are always cooler than the younger ones, is a stereotype, because I am clearly the coolest of us all, I'm also the least mature, I have a very immature sense of humor, and make a joke out of mostly everything. Thats just my nature.

I do have a job. It's a very well paying job too. It's got a lot, and I mean a lot to do with the entertainment business. So, if we ever did get together, I could take care of you. ;] Okay that was incredibly cocky, but it's true. I could buy you expensive things, but I know you don't care much for them. So I wouldn't be a dead beat boyfriend, or potential husband.

Oh, 'Tom & Jerry,' I love that show, it may be for kids, but it brings back a lot of memories, I bet your best friend still likes it, because its just that amazing.

I am not married, I was once, it didn't work out, I found her cheating on me with a buddy of mine. I jumped into that relationship far too quickly. I broke my own heart asking her to marry me, she wasn't a nice girl, and was with me for the money.

As for the part of Texas, I live with one of my little brothers down by Dallas/Ft. Worth area, if that helps you any?

I contacted you, because I feel like I need you now. I'm at the lowest point in my life. Every thing's falling apart, and I need you to talk to. Because in the past, you always helped me, always got me out of those slumps and sticky situations. And after the divorce finalized, I felt like I had nothing else. I felt like, like I'm worthless. And like I needed my friend back.

It wasn't your fault we lost contact, it was one hundred percent mine, because I had everything I could ask for, yet, I took all the things I cared about most, for granted. I don't blame you for walking away from me. It was my fault. You have nothing to be sorry about, it was all me.

Jerry Adam.

P.S. ;] I am pretty sexy. Maybe one day you can be the judge of that.

P.S.S. I like the 'Familiar Stranger' bit, it sounds like something from a movie!
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Okay I decided to make it into a story.
I really like this. A lot.
Let me know if you do too!
But this is how its gonna be, in letter form.
Leave me lotsa comments. :] I love them.
thank you for reading!