Dream Another Sunset With You.



Dear, Familiar Stranger.

(I'll continue calling you that because you said you liked it.=)

Oh, so this is just like a fake name? Should I be scared?

Okay, I wonder why you want me in your life. What is so special about me. Or what was? Because I'm guessing we haven't talked in years, I just don't get why you'd want to talk to me. One would think that if you were the one who messed up, or whatever, then you maybe wouldn't even think about me, because you said that I was the one who walked away..

I guess, I wont attempt to understand the way your mind works. I just would like to know why is all.

As for the 'life isn't worth living without you', I don't think that that would be entirely true, and it kind of scares me, that you said that. You aren't planning on doing anything stupid? I'm not going to be sending this letter, and not getting one back, am I?

Thats a really great thing to know. I'm glad you aren't a serial killer, I don't have to be afraid for my life. But you aren't an old boyfriend either? Just a friend.

I never had many friends, and I lost my very best friend, because I left him behind. He wasn't being who he is, and I haven't seen, nor spoken to him since. There's not a day goes by that I don't think about him, or wanna see him, but I can't. He hurt me, no matter what anyone says, no matter what anyone told me, I know what I feel, and I knew what I felt then, I loved him. I know that may sound crazy, and it may just be stupid that I'm saying this to you. I don't know exactly who you are, and what if I'm making a mistake saying this to you?

Anyways, three siblings? Are you sure you are the coolest, and not just one of those dorks who think they are the coolest? Ha ha. I like people who can laugh in tense situations, I believe that there is a so called, prince charming, and I believe that he has a very immature sense of humor, he has to. I don't go for guys who can't make me smile, or laugh.

Well, Mr. Adam, I'm glad you could buy me expensive things. Perhaps you should buy me a new house, a vintage car, and a dog. Oh! I also want a couple computers, a new iphone, hmm, ah the possibilities. ha ha ha! Just kidding. I don't go for material things, I have them, although they were gifts. Have you heard of the Jonas brothers? Yes? Okay, I want Nick Jonas' car. That's all I want. Preferably in red, though. :]

I hope he still likes 'Tom & Jerry'.

Awe, I'm sorry about your marriage. She just wasn't the one, or she was just one of those girls, nothing but trouble..whoa, Avril Lavigne came out in me. Seriously though, I'm sorry you went through that, and I just have to ask, are you and your buddy, still friends?

Oh, yes, I have been there before. Dallas is a pretty place, at night especially. Does the rest of your family live near you?

I'm the one you need? I'm sorry that you are feeling the way you do, I'm almost positive you aren't worthless, you seem nice, and worth a lot. People can make you feel like crap, I would know. I'm here if you need to talk, anytime.

Oh, is really all I can say. Because, well, I'm speechless. And if you remember, or know me at all, you know that I never have nothing to say, but right now, I don't have anything. I'm drawing a big fat blank. So, having that said, I guess I can end this letter here.

(I think we can stop with the whole last names thing)

P.S. You are full of yourself, huh? ha ha! kidding!

P.P.S. Dork. :]Kidding, again...kinda.


Dear, Jamie.

Whoa that letter was kind of long, yet I could read one from you that was ten pages and it still wouldn't be enough. Because I miss you that much.

No, you should not be scared. I promise.

What is so special about you? You just asked that? How about everything is, everything and then some. I mean, you amaze me in ways, I didn't think were actually possible. The way you used to outshine me. Everything. That is my answer, I wont explain it, cos I can't, it's just something I know. Don't try to understand the way my mind works. Thats a good idea.

No, Jamie, I'm not planning anything stupid. And yes you will be getting one back, when I wrote that letter, it was a bad day. I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm not suicidal. I promise.

Yes, I am just a friend, thats it.

Awe, I'm really sorry to hear that, I bet he thinks about you often too. There probably isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't think about or want to see you too. I bet he misses you a lot, and wants to say I'm sorry for all the things he has done to you. But what do I know? I'm not him. I don't think this is a mistake. I think you might need to get certain things out, certain things you can not tell people you are surrounded by everyday. So anytime you need to vent, you can write to me.

I definitely think I'm the coolest, ask my brothers, they will tell you who's boss. You know, you keep describing that prince charming, and each time you do, thats another thing i wanna be. Not trying to weird you out or anything, but I miss you and want to be that perfect guy, so I can just be able to be with you again. I do have a sense of humor though, a very good one I might add. I make fun, and have fun, its a way of life, one that I would chose any day.

Do you listen to the Jonas brothers? Or just saw that car and knew you wanted it? I like that car a lot too, I think I heard it was a gift on his sixteenth birthday. I would have killed to have gotten a car like that when I was younger. Oh and maybe one day I will buy you those expensive things? ;] Just you name it. ha HA!

Yeah, sometimes I wanna just say that I never loved her. But I know thats not true, I had feelings for her, feelings that were love. But they changed, people can fall out of love. They do everyday. The only thing is that, sometimes people just think they have fallen out of love, and make themselves believe it. When actually, they didn't fall out of love, they just kind of pushed the love away and didn't think about it, until it faded into the back of their mind..I know that, because thats what I did with the girl I truly loved.

Oh and, funny, but no we no longer speak. He wasn't a very good friend of mine anyways.

Yes, my mom and dad live here along with my youngest brother, and my oldest brother is married and has a house here too. We are a close family and its a little hard to be far away from them, as lame as that sounds.

I know you are here..or there, rather. Thats why I feel comfortable talking to you, cos I know you will not judge me when I tell you things that are confidential, and when I tell you things I cannot tell my brother. So thank you.

Thats probably the first time you haven't ever had any thing to say, or any smart remark to shoot back at me. I wont lie, and say that I don't feel a teeny bit happy that I, Jerry Adam, left you, Jamie Underwood, speechless. I have to say this is a very proud moment in my life. ha HA! :] I had to say it.

Again, thank you for taking the time out of your day to write to me. I know you are busy.

(Okay. ha ha.)

P.S. Yes, yes I am. ;]

(Is is really P.P.S.?)
P.P.S. I take that as a compliment. :]
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I wasn't gonna update this one today.
But I decided to be nice. :]
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