Dream Another Sunset With You.



Dear, Jerry.

I honestly didn't think the letter from before was that long, only two pages? Also, some of the things you say, make me blush constantly, no joke. When I read some of the things you have to say, I can not stop smiling, and my day is somehow better. So for that I will have to say, thanks.

Another thing, is, I'm actually very flattered that you miss me so much. Not many people miss me when I'm gone. I think I have friend repellent, as crazy as that sounds. I can even be nice to them and yet, they still have no interest in being my friend. Sometimes, its sad to be me.

And at last, when I feel like giving up and letting go, or, when I feel so low, and down. You say that everything is special about me. Which, once again, made me smile like a big dork, and thinking about it, makes me smile as well. Again, thank you for saving my day and making it better.

If you ever left me now, I can honestly say, that I would miss you terribly. You remind me a lot of my absolute best friend, the one I talk about way too much. And I am sorry that he is talked about so often. I honestly don't mean to bring him up every single letter, and I promise to try and stop.

Don't be sorry, he had it coming, always bossing me around, and telling me what to do. I just couldn't deal with his diva self any longer. It seemed as if he was becoming a monster and there was nothing I could do to bring him back, like my best friend Joseph Adam, was gone.

Whoa, I haven't written his name in forever. It makes me sad to even look at it. To know that we aren't friends because I walked away, I mean who knows what could have happened? We could have finally been together..His brothers always said we'd end up together because we were perfect for each other. I always over looked it, because to him I was just one of the guys, I was just his best friend, not really much of anything else. I guess sometimes things happen for a reason, but I just don't know what I learned from walking away from him, and leaving him behind at the ice cream parlor...And now I'm gonna stop because I promised to stop bringing him up, then I went and brought him up again. Sorry.

I just think that you should know some of these things, some of the things I haven't ever told anyone, since. When people would ask if I was alright, I knew I wasn't, they knew I wasn't, yet, I still lied and said that I was fine. Now that I think back on the incident and the day, I don't think it was his fault. I think I was just in a bad mood, because it was my birthday, nineteenth to be exact, and yet, I still didn't have the guy I had wanted for the entirety of my existence, but he just couldn't see it, and it made me so angry that I just snapped at the smallest thing. I'd do anything to go back to that day, and instead of continuing to walk away, I'd turn around, and run into his arms before kissing his lips with every ounce of passion I had in my body..Maybe then he would have known, maybe then he would have kissed back, maybe then we would have been happy. Together.

Crap. I just did it again. For this I am terribly sorry. I am super glad that you have a great sense of humor, hopefully you wont hate it too much reading the few paragraphs before this.

I don't listen to the Jonas brothers. They annoy me. I'm sorry to say that, if you are a fan, or anything, I just like Nick's car. Thats it. I would wrestle him for the keys to that car. I love it. And I would be honored if you bought me those expensive things.

I hear what you're saying about falling out of love, and pushing it away, but I couldn't even begin to think about a day when I don't love him, anymore. I could never let go, that's the main reason why, at the moment, I am single, and the reason why my last relationship failed at life. It's just not that easy for me to give him up.

That's honestly, not lame at all, I love a guy who is family oriented, and you sound like you are big time. Seeing as you live with your little brother, either that, or you are just a big baby, and can't live alone. :]

Thank you for confiding in me, it feels very good to know that someone needs me. Honestly, I love to be needed and help people. Not that many people enjoy being helped or need me.

It was the first and last moment, Mr. Adam. I can promise you that. ;]

I would rather write to you than deal with real life any day.


P.S. 'P.P.S.' Is what I was always taught? :]


Dear, Jamie.

That letter was even longer than the first. Mainly because of you going on about your best friend, but I don't mind. I like hearing about the person that made you happy at one point and time, and I'm sorry you are no longer friends with him. It kind of breaks my heart to know that he just let you walk away, I know that if I were him, I would have ran after you. I would have taken you into my arms, and I would have 'kissed your lips with every ounce of passion in my body.' Just because I couldn't lose you.

I know sometimes it seems as though, things aren't ever going to get better. And I know that there are days that go by that seem so long, when all you want is the night, and for it to end. But then again, think about the night, and how you don't wanna be alone, you just wanna be with that one person. I understand your pain, I have been there and felt that, I don't think it'll ever stop hurting until I have her back in my life, and I don't mean to bring you down, but I think its the same for you.

I know that things do happen for a reason, and they often leave you confused. For months, I tried to figure out what I did wrong to make Miranda cheat. Like, it was my fault, when I did absolutely nothing wrong but love her. I have to say, my brother wanted to choke me, because I would pace and talk to myself, just trying to think of what I did wrong. Then finally one day it clicked. It clicked and it all made sense to me, I did nothing wrong. I did everything I was supposed to, she was the one who was wrong, she was the one who cheated, and she was the one who let me go. Its her loss, not mine. And thats when I knew I needed you, when I knew I needed someone to talk to and you were that someone.

As I've said before, I lost my first love. I never got the actual chance to tell her I loved her, she went her own way and had a life of her own. Its safe to say I made a mistake, but who knows that this isn't what god wanted. That her and I, much like your best friend and you, needed to separate for a few years, to find yourselves, or do whatever. And then one day, when the time is right, you two will meet again, and all those feelings will come rushing back, not that you lost them in the first place, but you will feel so much love for him, that it hurts, like there's a big knot in your stomach, and you feel as if your knees are going to buckle right out from underneath you. Things will get better, Jamie. I can guarantee that.

This girl, my first love, is the one I pushed to the back of my mind, I just decided that I didn't wanna be without her, yet, I couldn't go after her. Because I didn't want to hurt her any more than I already had. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, and if I had a chance to do it all over again, I would have told her, but this just gives me a chance to make that day when we do finally meet again, to make extra special.

Jamie, you can always say, 'if I could go back in time, I'd change...', but you can't actually go back in time, as much as that stinks, you can't change the past. But you can be prepared for the future. You can be prepared and look forward to what is ahead for you. And I know that whatever happens, and whatever you do, you will be great, because you are amazing. And I just want you to know all these things I didn't have the guts to say when we were still in contact. For being a coward, I am so sorry.

On a different note, I am a fan of the Jonas Brothers, I don't know if they have many guy fans, but I am one of them. I'm sorry they annoy you. Is there a particular reason why?

Jamie, you don't have to stop loving him, ever. But its a known fact that people fall out of love, as much as they don't want to, or as much as they don't want to believe it, they do. I just hope you two find each other before that happens, I want you to be so happy, and without him, you just don't seem like you are as happy you could be. Don't ever give him up. Keep trying.

And, why yes, its for both of those reasons that I live with my baby brother, well one of them, I am a baby and don't wanna live alone, but I also love him, as I do all my brothers, besides he's helped me through the roughest times in my life, I am thankful to have him here.

I'm sure people need you everyday, and I'm also sure they wanna be with you, I just think you don't really see it all.

And I would just rather be with you, like talking in your home, or mine, instead of writing, but this works. Just knowing that I have you that I can come to, means the world, because I thought I'd never get that chance again.


P.S. Hmm, funny thing, I was taught the other..Who really knows whats 'proper' anymore? ha HA!
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Sorry i haven't had anything out for the past two days or so.
I haven't been on the comp!
Lots of things going on. :]
hope you like this. thanks for reading.